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Not really looking for a manga...

Kal February 25, 2017 6:00 pm

Bear with me.

I've been reading all these messed up stories with messed up semes and ukes and plots and relationships, and I've been thinking (never a good thing for me)...

What if there was a story plot where a uke/seme in an emotionally/physically/sexually abusive relationship (or generally, not a very healthy relationship), just up and throws it in his partner's face (easier said, then done). And then leaves.
And that uke/seme runs into another uke/seme who is in a shitty relationship, and he helps him out. And they just live together, helping out semes or ukes in abusive relationships, by spotting it out with their gaydar/abuse radar. And maybe they just fall in love, without the need of a sexual relationship. Or if they want sex, they can switch or just pick the position they want. And if they want and both agree on it, it could be an open relationship, so they can go and have sex with other people, but there is a relationship. And well, I know that a lot of people don't look at an open relationship as acceptable, and I do agree that it is quite difficult to be in one, but there are ways to have a healthy, open relationship and... well, yeah. (That wasn't even the point of this rant thingy).

I think I'm done.
Sorry, this probably didn't make much sense.

    Anonymous February 25, 2017 6:54 pm

    That actually sounds like a good idea for a yaoi or BL webcomic or something. It would be a neat twist on the genre. I've gotten ideas like this before (basically breaking the yaoi cliches/rules/etc) but unfortunately I'm lazy af.

    ultraviolet February 25, 2017 6:59 pm
    Kal February 25, 2017 7:36 pm
    That actually sounds like a good idea for a yaoi or BL webcomic or something. It would be a neat twist on the genre. I've gotten ideas like this before (basically breaking the yaoi cliches/rules/etc) but unfort... @Anonymous

    Haha, same.
    I can't write a story because I know it will be a piece of trash, unless I actually put some energy into it, which I won't.
    And as for drawing, ha. Well... if I had to save the world from aliens by doing that, we would all be destroyed. In extremely painful ways.

    Kal February 25, 2017 7:37 pm are the... ultraviolet

    Wow, someone actually took the time and energy to look this up, even though I didn't ask for it. Thank you! (⌒▽⌒)

    ultraviolet February 25, 2017 7:42 pm
    Wow, someone actually took the time and energy to look this up, even though I didn't ask for it. Thank you! (⌒▽⌒) Kal
