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I think the last two chapters are a much darker story than it lets on. Remember when Senpa...

Anon February 26, 2017 6:27 pm

I think the last two chapters are a much darker story than it lets on. Remember when Senpai said that he became interested in Motoki simply because Motoki accepted him for who he was? He entered their relationship so casually. After seeing the flashback with the stalker, and Senpai letting the stalker touch his hair, I think Senpai dumped Motoki to be with the stalker. Like his relationship with Motoki, this stalker guy accepted him for who he was and it too became something casual. Of course Senpai wouldn't tell Motoki he dumped him to be with someone else, and a former stalker at that. It also explains why three years later he got in to a scuffle with the stalker again and lost his memories. It probably was a fight, but not between a stalker and a victim, but between lovers.

    Anon February 26, 2017 6:30 pm

    I also think Senpai said the word "disgusting" because he actually remembers everything, and knows he's taking advantage of Motoki. He knows he's disgusting for leaving him to be with the stalker guy, and knows that he's bad for him. The true villain of this story is not the stalker, but Senpai himself.

    men February 26, 2017 7:16 pm

    i think that is probably exactly what happened? the stalker was more appealing at that point bc stalkers know everything right and the stalker still loved him. but to Motoki, senpai was only "showing his good sides"

    Anonymous February 26, 2017 7:35 pm

    or maybe when senpai said he faced the stalker head on was the time he start dating the stalker. and may/may not breakup with the stalker when he was dating motoki. and when their relationship were going well, he was threatened by stalker to breakup with motoki? n during the 3 years the stalking continues until he was arrested

    まいか February 26, 2017 7:35 pm

    Question is, why does senpai need to take advantage of Motoki by being together again? What's his motive behind that? Is it because the "stalker" almost killed him that he thought of going back as Motoki's lover since the stalker does not love everything about him anymore?

    Anonymous February 26, 2017 10:18 pm

    Ughhh so that's the reason for that awkward page of the stalker touching his hair. Makes so much sense now.

    Kikomo Yuzu March 1, 2017 5:04 am

    Gosh, y'all should become detective or something because everything your saying is making so much damn sense

    Kikomo Yuzu March 1, 2017 5:05 am
