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(⊙…⊙ ) Wow...

Taka ( ╹﹃╹) February 27, 2017 6:26 am

Omg... I never expected you guys' reactions to be like this. Like wow, I never gave much thought nor did I try thinking of a deeper meaning to the stalker.. Or maybe I didn't think of it enough. uhh..

Did I do something wrong with the translations? ;; Like, how did you guys think that Ryouji-senpai was dating the stalker..??

"From then on, we started going out", was referring to when he and Motoki went out, if that caused any misunderstandings!;;

Because as far as I can see, the stalker wasn't really that deeply involved with senpai (except for some assault, perhaps... That's the closest thing I can think of, because the scene that senpai was thinking "Disgusting", could be when he was remembering the time when the stalker assaulted him..)

I really think it's a flaw in my translations... ;A; I am so sorry, it must've been so confusing... I'm really, really sorry ╥﹏╥

(Also a bit more of a clear-up, the narration in the part where they're by the coast, is probably by Motoki. Because he didn't expect to see senpai again, he could have thought that something had changed. But maybe somehow he also thinks that he didn't want anything to change. "Doubting", because he was really confused about what senpai told him, "and wishing", because he wanted to see senpai again. )

Also, I thought it was cute in the end because, well. It shows the possibility of their future together, and the chance for Senpai to really tell Motoki everything! (Because I think one thing he's hiding is the fact that he was assaulted.) I also think that maybe Ryouji is hiding that he does remember some parts of the past... Well, that's just my speculation though!

What do you guys think now? ;A;) ...Meanwhile I'll just go and translate the extra chapter...

    PaolaMissae February 27, 2017 10:48 am

    I think it got a little confused by the way Ueda Niku-sensei took it and not by the translations ~ English is not my first language but I think the story could be clearer
    Thank you for explaining what happenedヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    akuma_river February 27, 2017 12:26 pm

    I'm not thinking dating. I'm thinking more kidnapped and held prisoner by his stalker and thus raped repeatedly sort of situation.

    There's way too many sketchy things going on for this to just be a normal breakup. And the whole phone call situations? And the way the bestie is trying to play matchmaker? Not to mention how I doubt he really has amnesia and is just faking it?

    It's really weird.

    Nyalen February 27, 2017 1:06 pm
    I'm not thinking dating. I'm thinking more kidnapped and held prisoner by his stalker and thus raped repeatedly sort of situation.There's way too many sketchy things going on for this to just be a normal breaku... akuma_river

    I second this

    Kikomo Yuzu March 1, 2017 4:57 am
    I second this Nyalen

    Make that three in way is "senpai" really an amnesiac ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Taka ( ╹﹃╹) March 1, 2017 7:30 am
    I'm not thinking dating. I'm thinking more kidnapped and held prisoner by his stalker and thus raped repeatedly sort of situation.There's way too many sketchy things going on for this to just be a normal breaku... akuma_river

    Ahh that makes much more sense...! I think I agree with this :0 I'm so dumb aaaaa

    btw, someone also elaborated more about it..!

    akuma_river March 1, 2017 7:44 am
    Ahh that makes much more sense...! I think I agree with this :0 I'm so dumb aaaaabtw, someone also elaborated more about it..! Taka ( ╹﹃╹)


    As I was reading this chapter I had eerie flashbacks to stories of kids held captive by their kidnappers and the ways in which they were cut off from all contact, sometimes not even knowing the date, and how after time some of them had access to phones or the internet or the outside world.

    And if this IS what happened. Why didn't the mangaka go for it? Announce it? Make it explicit instead of implicit?

    That's another reason why I am so let down by this. Because it gives the impression that senpai LEFT everyone to go have a secret affair with this other guy when really he is a victim of long-term confinement, rape, stockholm syndrome, etc.

    I also don't understand why the cops and shrinks aren't involved. Did he just lie? To hide his shame? That's fucked up and will NOT help in the long-term especially since it seems nothing was done to his stalker and he's going back to work at the place he picked up the stalker.

    When that one woman from California with her two kids escaped because of that woman cops' sense of something being wrong happened she was isolated for months with a specialist and her family to help her cope. No tv interviews, no public appearances, nothing.

    She needed intense therapy for herself and her daughters because her kidnapper and rapist was her daughters' father as well. They also needed to repair the broken bonds between her and her family because she's been missing for decades and thought dead.

    So unless senpai actually escaped a long time ago and he and his friend concocted this story after they were ready to try to fix the relationship (which is fucked up and not recommended because hey PTS flashbacks happen)...then this is just a failure of what could've been a beautiful and compelling story.

    It's a writers' cop-out due to unable to commit to the undertaking of the story.