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So I am trying to find a manga I read recently. It starts with two males in elementary sch...

This is random February 27, 2017 8:46 pm

So I am trying to find a manga I read recently. It starts with two males in elementary school and one of the boys talk about grades or prep school (I don't remember which) the other boy surprises the other boy and says he is going to a public school.

Now they're in high-school. Two guys on a train. Girls find the attractive, one guy notice a girl being sexually harass, someone else steps in to help. It's the guy from elementary. One recognized the other, the other boy did not.


    Anonymous February 27, 2017 9:05 pm

    that sounds like Himekoi? i read it recently too. heres the link

    This is random February 28, 2017 5:32 am
    that sounds like Himekoi? i read it recently too. heres the link @Anonymous

    That's it!!! Thank you!