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I adore omegaverse, what i like about it is the romance, the slow burn of it all, the type...

[WHINGE ALERT] seriously world February 28, 2017 10:02 am

I adore omegaverse, what i like about it is the romance, the slow burn of it all, the type of stories you get from the fan fiction it comes from. Not so much the angst and crazy that's being injected into the genre now, I would also call it 'fleshing out the genre' but in a way I just can't appreciate.

I knew I couldn't read the whole thing without it breaking my fragile little heart, so I skipped a LOT of the story, I got enough skimming the first and second last chapters to give me the gist of it, I read the last chapter in full, which also meant I skipped the majority of the sex in the manga.
I'm here to say, I still loved this story for what it was (minus the excess sex scenes, obviously). People here sound very young or very inexperienced with the world, of course you are entitled to your own opinion, what you aren't entitled to is to broadcast it like the world owns you its attention, and then snap when that attention is not positive.
I'm saying this, fully aware MAYBE five people will read this and actually THINK about the meaning behind these worlds not be a child about it.
People, if you hate something the way I hate 'seeing'/reading abuse, and/or MCs sleeping with people other than each other, etc., remove yourself from what's causing you pain. Don't just whinge about it. Most omegaverse used to be safe for me, but now I need to take responsibility for my own emotional wellbeing and filter them if I want to read them, and there are gems out there after all, Okaieri, Tadaima, anyone?
