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Tsukkin February 28, 2017 3:26 pm

i am dying to watch hyperventilation ep 4, someone pls tell me where to watch bcs when i look at the creator's channel there's nothing and ppl said it was removed by youtube (damn u youtube) and now someone said that we hv to pay to watch ep 4, i am confused

    Thegirlnextdoor February 28, 2017 4:00 pm

    Yes. You have to pay to watch and it was hiden in some countries :( I have watched ep 4, it includes sex scene so...

    Anonymous February 28, 2017 8:43 pm
    Yes. You have to pay to watch and it was hiden in some countries :( I have watched ep 4, it includes sex scene so... Thegirlnextdoor

    where did you watch it?

    Tsukkin February 28, 2017 10:49 pm
    Yes. You have to pay to watch and it was hiden in some countries :( I have watched ep 4, it includes sex scene so... Thegirlnextdoor

    Shit it was hidden in ma country, and i don't have paypal or smthng like that bcs i am still a smol gal and my parents will kill me if i they knew i've been watching that animation (which i did) so i can't ask my parents to help pay for it. I think it's hopeless for me