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can i just sleep forever?!

Loveless kitten March 1, 2017 8:12 am

i'm sick of this, I am having hallucinations, my ex is ruining ALL of my friendships i had. my photos are getting posted all over the place. and my ex is being a total donkey to me and the people i care about and the ones who stayed. on top of all that i was told one of my closest friends hung herself and that it was my fault because i couldn't contact her and help her. i just wish this would all go away because i'm failing school and finals are coming up. so... today was total shiza.

Anyone wanna just come curl up with me and watch movies or read yaoi???or come and sleep forever??? i don't know anymore.

    Criticeste March 1, 2017 8:48 am

    Jeez That is so terriblleeee your ex is a jerk you could take some legal action against him..and i'm sorry about your friend, but there is no way you could have been at fault, there is no way you could have prevented it.. i'm sorry that you are having a bad day *gives virtual hug* :)) stay resilient and yes honestly reading yaoi and curling up on the couch are the best ways to heal XD hope you feel better hun

    Loveless kitten March 1, 2017 8:53 am
    Jeez That is so terriblleeee your ex is a jerk you could take some legal action against him..and i'm sorry about your friend, but there is no way you could have been at fault, there is no way you could have pr... Criticeste

    i wish i could and just sat f**k life i mean life is always doing it to me. ugh. *acceps hugs and cries some.* im 15. i dont wanna have to be so stressed out. :(

    Criticeste March 1, 2017 9:02 am
    i wish i could and just sat f**k life i mean life is always doing it to me. ugh. *acceps hugs and cries some.* im 15. i dont wanna have to be so stressed out. :( Loveless kitten

    ikr life can be pretty harsh .. welp I guess this will prepare you for tougher times in the future so you won't be ass stressed out about them ;)

    Loveless kitten March 1, 2017 9:26 am
    ikr life can be pretty harsh .. welp I guess this will prepare you for tougher times in the future so you won't be ass stressed out about them ;) Criticeste

    like kids? lol no, they arent that stressful i babysit alot. and hes 8 months old XD

    Criticeste March 1, 2017 9:36 am
    like kids? lol no, they arent that stressful i babysit alot. and hes 8 months old XD Loveless kitten

    haha lmao um yea kids can be pretty rough but there are a lot of other things in life that are pretty hard to overcome : sometimes you can and sometimes you can't... 8 months is pretty young:) are you relatives?

    Loveless kitten March 1, 2017 9:39 am
    haha lmao um yea kids can be pretty rough but there are a lot of other things in life that are pretty hard to overcome : sometimes you can and sometimes you can't... 8 months is pretty young:) are you relatives... Criticeste

    yeah shes my cousin.

    *Light~* March 1, 2017 10:40 am

    Your ex is an ass. People who blame you for what happened to your friend are just stupid. Sorry that you have to get through this at such a young age.