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I've Had Thia Same Esp Connection Myself

Eyes of Jade March 3, 2017 3:32 am

Yep, it does happen. Only once in my life so far, and I'm oldish, so it is a rare thing. We both were able feel each other, which was amazing and convenient at the same time. It's been about 20 years since we were together, but we are still fb friends, and talk often. I'm married, with 2 boys, and he has no kids, and never married. He says I'm the one that got away...but with no bitterness. Who knows, maybe someday, we can find each other again. I'll always make time, and look, and wait for him. Some people matter, and there are lots of different kinds of love, and ways of loving someone. To love, and to be loved, is truly an honor and a blessing to always cherish. Lol, I'm my own manga, woohoo, wine=philosophy tonight.

    LaFujoshi January 27, 2018 2:26 pm

    I'm shooketh that things like this happen irl wow

    Eyes of Jade January 27, 2018 8:16 pm

    Yeah, it was pretty amazing. We could feel if we were in the same place. Like if I went into a bar, I could feel if he was there or not. And if he walked in at any point, I knew it! And vice versa. My friends would often test it, lol. They would run to the door and sure enough, he was there! We enjoyed testing it out and playing epic games of hide and seek!