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Maybe I think too much sometimes, but...

Kameronne22 March 3, 2017 9:35 pm

I loved this two stories sooo much ! ~ It's been a while since I felt like I was reading smtg original. (⌒▽⌒)

But am I the only one a bit shocked by the sentence "It's only natural for gay men to have a hard life" in chapter 5, page 16 ? I mean I know the author didn't want to be mean or anything, and it's true in today's society everydaylife is not always easy for homosexual people, but I still don't really like the word "natural" being used...

    dawn April 1, 2017 12:15 pm

    Mmm... I'm not shocked by it, though it makes me sad to see it. I think I'd dislike it more if it was from a straight character, though. However, it feels very natural to his character, especially since he's had such a hard time with his love life. That's part of what makes both of these so sweet, that the partner can unconditionally love their boyfriend, even when said boyfriend is having a hard time and hates themselves.

    TsumikiTiga September 5, 2017 2:55 am

    The author also lives in a different country. Every country is different on how they handle things.

    Dargon December 9, 2017 9:54 am

    In Japan, it IS hard being a gay man, and it isn't exactly easy in the US, either. Long way to go until it is.