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Fellow musician

Tsukkin March 4, 2017 8:03 am

Hello i'm a 20 year old college student, and i'm in my third year of college now. recently i started to learn violin by joining a private course. I have no experience with the instrument. And i began to feel anxious about it, can i really play that, or is it possible for me to catch up real fast to the point where i can play a song smoothly? I started late, i know, and i've been regretting it, so what i want to ask is what do you think about the 20 y.o me trying to learn violin from absolute zero experience? Did you have similar situation?

    Legra March 4, 2017 8:19 am

    It doesn't matter what age you start practicing, the thing is the older you grow the more hard work needed than starting playing instruments since kid. But I feel you have natural talent it's different story. One of my co-workers started playing a frikin harp at the age of 36 and she really does well like it's mind blowing for me and the others. She practiced only for a like 4 months? She can play hard pieces like nothing. She never played any instrument before she just thought harp looks cool and wanna play it. So either that she's a music genius or just gifted.
    Bottom line, as long as you work hard and not half-assing, you can do well in what you after.

    Lily March 4, 2017 8:23 am

    There's really nothing wrong with being 20 and learning to play the violin with zero experience . I'm 21 and I just applied to my very first job. I'm absolutely terrified that I'll mess up or won't leave a good impression since I have zero work experience. However, I constantly keep telling myself that I'm going to learn and even if might make some mistakes here and there, it's all part of the learning experience. You may feel like regretting signing up, but I feel like you'll regret it more if you quit now.

    heyyy March 4, 2017 8:54 am

    Since you started late, naturally it's going to be harder for you to become proficient in it. Don't be discouraged because that's only natural.
    However, this doesn't mean that you can't become good at the violin. You can overcome with your late start with effort and experience. If it takes 2 years for a little kid to start playing a high level song on the violin, be prepared to take that long or even longer for you to be able to play it as well.

    In the end, it's absolutely NOT impossible for you to be able to play something on the violin. There are also people who, even with years of playing it, can only play simple songs on an instrument. But they will at least be able to play something. If they can do it, so can you. Everyone's abilities and learning pace is different. Who knows, maybe your growing love for the violin and the amount of hard work you put into it will overcome the handicap. Or maybe you will unexpectedly have a hidden talent in it. Just don't give up, and I hope you enjoy playing your new instrument ^^

    Ciel Alois March 4, 2017 10:00 am

    don't give up... just do what you want.. learning something doesn't have age limitation as long you are willing to do it.

    Anonymous March 4, 2017 10:18 am

    My mom is 64 yrs old and recently she starts learning tango, and nailed it (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 her teacher is a 25 yrs old gay dude and he spin her left and right like a goddamn truck. So yeah, never too late to learn anything new.

    Jellyfishdream March 4, 2017 11:14 am

    Well, as long as you have a feeling for music and patience I'm sure you can do it. A child learns differently, however children also tend to get more easily distracted or lack the will to actually put a great deal of effort into it. You might have to practice twice or even more as long every day, but if you do it cosequently I'm sure you can do it. Also if you have certain songs in mind you would really like to play, you might want to really work torwards them, it'll help you to stay motivaded.
    Likely the most difficult part would be to develop a feeling for the sound. If you are not used to it, it might be difficult to figure out if and why something sounds off, especially if you have never played an instrument before.
    My tip: Choose pieces which come whith an audio so you can listen to it and play along, also in general, listen to a lot of violin covers and watch youtube videos of people playing the violine, if you don't do that already, it might help...
    And you could also record yourself from time to time, it probably won't sound pretty in the beginning but you can analyse your mistakes afterwards or find some which you didn't notice before, but most importantly you'll be able to actually hear how much you improve, so don't give up, it's never too late :)

    (sry, I'm kinda bad at putting my thoughts into words, hope you understood what I meant ^^)

    Kaykay March 4, 2017 11:25 am

    I didnt mean to discourage you but from my experience i started practice violin at age 17 and quit playing it after 4 months of lesson. So if you want to try, it has to be serious.. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Tsukkin March 4, 2017 11:29 am
    It doesn't matter what age you start practicing, the thing is the older you grow the more hard work needed than starting playing instruments since kid. But I feel you have natural talent it's different story. O... Legra

    Thanks for the encouragement, yeah i will practice twice as hard, i currently learn how to bow a violin and it's friggin hard. I just can't get it right, but it's early to give up, hope in 1 month i can smoothly bow a violin

    Tsukkin March 4, 2017 11:31 am
    There's really nothing wrong with being 20 and learning to play the violin with zero experience . I'm 21 and I just applied to my very first job. I'm absolutely terrified that I'll mess up or won't leave a good... @Lily

    Thanks, yeah a new experience always terrified me, but i'll learn to overcome my fear. Thanks for listening to my story

    Tsukkin March 4, 2017 11:33 am
    Since you started late, naturally it's going to be harder for you to become proficient in it. Don't be discouraged because that's only natural. However, this doesn't mean that you can't become good at the violi... @heyyy

    Thank you, i will enjoy it to my heart's content (≧∀≦)

    Tsukkin March 4, 2017 11:40 am
    don't give up... just do what you want.. learning something doesn't have age limitation as long you are willing to do it. Ciel Alois

    Yeah thankyouuuuu

    Tsukkin March 4, 2017 11:42 am
    My mom is 64 yrs old and recently she starts learning tango, and nailed it (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 her teacher is a 25 yrs old gay dude and he spin her left and right like a goddamn truck. So yeah, never too late to ... @Anonymous

    Wow really? I bet she's having one of the best time of her life

    Tsukkin March 4, 2017 11:51 am
    Well, as long as you have a feeling for music and patience I'm sure you can do it. A child learns differently, however children also tend to get more easily distracted or lack the will to actually put a great d... @Jellyfishdream

    Okaaay thanks for the advice, i'm currently learn how to bow a violin the right way, it's kinda hard, but i'll work hard

    Tsukkin March 4, 2017 11:59 am
    I didnt mean to discourage you but from my experience i started practice violin at age 17 and quit playing it after 4 months of lesson. So if you want to try, it has to be serious.. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Kaykay

    Thanks, i'll try. I really do want it, and i hope i can continue this hobby until i get better

    thats an insrument i have alwa March 4, 2017 1:20 pm

    i had piano and clarinett lessons when i was younger and come from a very musical family but never had the wherewithall to take up the two i really wanted to learn (violin and harpjust stick with it keep practicing and eventualy you will be able to play
    perhaps not as well as the pros do but it will be satifactory for you)

    thats an insrument i have alwa March 4, 2017 1:21 pm

    i had piano and clarinett lessons when i was younger and come from a very musical family but never had the wherewithal to take up the two i really wanted to learn (violin and harp) just stick with it keep practicing and eventually you will be able to play
    perhaps not as well as the pros do but it will be satisfactory for you)

    CassiaoftheEast March 4, 2017 7:21 pm

    I believe you're brave. I started playing when I was 6th grade. I was playing on and off because I got discouraged. My motivation and inspiration was fickle. I really regret it. Im already 17 and recently,I just cant ignore the feeling of love towards playing my violin. Yes, the time we could have been practing and growing really bothers-like an annoying pest. Especially whenever comparison to those younger ones pops out( I usually compare myself-which of cousrse is not healthy,destroys your confidence and motivation and makes you sulk). I just realized,"Yes. So what if that person plays better than me? Didnt he start from learning the variations of Twinkle Twinkle Star?" Whenever I think of that,its funny but I get fired up. Whenever I see a violinist encouraging people like us who have small confidence, it just touches my heart.

    I do suggest that you somehow cover your eyes from negativity. Because Im afraid youd turn out like me. I let stupid thoughts invade my brain which halted my growing which-made me stuck in kinda post-begginer-but-not-adavanced stage..stage I could read and play few songs but its funny how i forget to read slurs or complex sets of notes.

    We are still far from skillful playing-thats true. But passion,truckloads of practice and a lil blindfold for pessimism would surely make us bloom.

    Tsukkin March 5, 2017 6:58 am
    i had piano and clarinett lessons when i was younger and come from a very musical family but never had the wherewithal to take up the two i really wanted to learn (violin and harp) just stick with it keep pract... @thats an insrument i have alwa

    Yeah, thanks for the advice, btw those instruments that you can play are cool, i also like woodwind instruments apart from violin and piano

    Tsukkin March 5, 2017 7:17 am
    I believe you're brave. I started playing when I was 6th grade. I was playing on and off because I got discouraged. My motivation and inspiration was fickle. I really regret it. Im already 17 and recently,I ju... CassiaoftheEast

    It's not too late for us, i know that now, what you said was absolutely true, before i bought my first violin i was anxious and had a dilemma over this. And majority of people started playing instrument early. I feel like i wasted my 20 years, but after a one year of thinking and struggling i finally decided to bought a violin and take a lesson. It's still hard for me now but i won't give up (⌒▽⌒)

    CassiaoftheEast March 5, 2017 3:05 pm

    Im glad. At least I could say that you have been inspired. Keep the fire burning. Some days it flickers,but still,it burns. Thats the important thing. One day I hope we'll take again and see how we both improved playing. :D