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I will get a ton of thumb down for this

unholygiggles March 4, 2017 2:51 pm

What a let down. So it all come down to humpty dumpty feeling salty and took it to the world because he thought he got dumped by his idol#-.-). I thought he willingly stay behind after reading ellie's letter but nope it's all misunderstanding (︶︿︶)=凸 I expect more with him being ikemen too, so wolfram sit still the throne still yours.

    tehanu March 4, 2017 4:24 pm

    I don't think it was ALL because he was feeling salty but yeah I'm dissapointed about that too

    Anonymous March 4, 2017 6:37 pm

    No it is just the straw that breaks the camel's back.
    He was already mightily suffering and saw his idol as the only oasis. Then the perceived betrayal broke him completely because now he really lost someone he thought he could trust. The White Bones component helped solidify the betrayal in his mind too. For a broken person like Humpty Dumpty only a full undivided affection could appease him. He wanted more than what Ellie was willing to give him, which he saw as a betrayal. So the fact that White Bones (who is a vampire, which solidifies in his mind that Vampires are 100% robbers of his happiness, from life, body autonomy and even love) is number 1 for Ellie, and that Ellie only wrote him a letter instead of physically carrying him away, broke his trust in Ellie.

    I see this flashback to Ellie in his pure state (Humpty Dumpty had seen Ellie in his bad sickness ridden state) as him revisiting that pivotal point/catalyst of his evil-doing, and his denial that he had done so much wrong to Ellie (he did not want to remembee the disease ridden uglified Ellie). Why I said denial, because if he was circumspect he would see Ellie in the last form before his death, and see Eric for who he is. But he chose to see Ellie in that form where he was still Humpty's white knight.

    I BEG YOU! March 4, 2017 7:20 pm
    No it is just the straw that breaks the camel's back.He was already mightily suffering and saw his idol as the only oasis. Then the perceived betrayal broke him completely because now he really lost someone he ... @Anonymous

    I take that scene as Humpty Dumpty still wanted to be saved/still searching for a savior, but otherwise is unrepentant in what he did.

    If Humpty Dumpty regrets what he did to Ellie then the portrayal will be different. There's this trope where redemption is portrayed as first seeing the slighted party (in this case Ellie) in their final form, before morphing to their younger/past form to signify forgiveness.

    However, I would argue that all of this conjencture is ultimately futile since the story is still to be continued. My advise is to just sit back, relax, and enjoy that damn fine face.

    LessThanThree March 4, 2017 8:30 pm

    His reason for doing what he did went far beyond Ellie. It was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.

    unholygiggles March 4, 2017 11:29 pm
    His reason for doing what he did went far beyond Ellie. It was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. LessThanThree

    I do get his suffering but i can't get his sense of abandonment as in his thoughts on latest chapter, Ellie send him letter, he read it but circumstances don't allow him to go so what? Did he expect the guy to wait to forever(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    LessThanThree March 4, 2017 11:31 pm
    I do get his suffering but i can't get his sense of abandonment as in his thoughts on latest chapter, Ellie send him letter, he read it but circumstances don't allow him to go so what? Did he expect the guy to ... unholygiggles

    I don't recall much of the letter, so I can't really say.

    unholygiggles March 4, 2017 11:37 pm
    I take that scene as Humpty Dumpty still wanted to be saved/still searching for a savior, but otherwise is unrepentant in what he did.If Humpty Dumpty regrets what he did to Ellie then the portrayal will be dif... @I BEG YOU!

    As of the latest chapter I don't think he is going to the cold person who going to sacrifice anything even someone he hold dear, in the end he will regret killing Ellie. That what I'm disappointed about. I do love the evil chara to end horribly evil no regrets whatsoever#-.-)