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Why do I smell angst coming for these two? I'm not ready for whatever does happen...

maskeddelirium March 5, 2017 3:26 am

Why do I smell angst coming for these two? I'm not ready for whatever does happen...

    akuma_river March 5, 2017 3:45 am

    Because we know thematic tropes and can feel angst coming from a mile away for these two.

    The mention of the re-marriage feels like a chekhov's gun moment and Jaehae does tend to run away from his feelings. He's a coward of the highest order and he will run to his sex buddy soon enough and probably into a new marriage.

    Shirane March 5, 2017 11:54 am
    Because we know thematic tropes and can feel angst coming from a mile away for these two.The mention of the re-marriage feels like a chekhov's gun moment and Jaehae does tend to run away from his feelings. He's... akuma_river

    Oh no, please don't jinx it!

    akuma_river March 5, 2017 1:55 pm
    Oh no, please don't jinx it! Shirane

    Come on, tell me I'm wrong and you don't see it happening either. The themes have been set and now the storytelling courses it.

    Shirane March 5, 2017 4:12 pm
    Come on, tell me I'm wrong and you don't see it happening either. The themes have been set and now the storytelling courses it. akuma_river

    Yeah, you're most certainly right, but there's a lot of wishful thinking on my side XD

    akuma_river March 5, 2017 5:05 pm
    Yeah, you're most certainly right, but there's a lot of wishful thinking on my side XD Shirane


    I know. I feel the same. But on top of thematic storytelling this IS a Korean webtoon and they are filled with angst and soap opera level drama and plots.