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Well the guy's got a point..

Carmelazation March 5, 2017 3:20 pm

Honestly I think the alchemist guy is perfectly right. Unlike Tolza who has to keep gathering new teammates to kill in order to take their levels, he can just take the levels of the cloned Cocos! That's much more efficient, and overall less cruel! Of course it's going to look cruel as shit in front of her past best friend. But you have to admit this A20 guy has it down.

    Rain March 10, 2017 3:43 am

    Well, he could've done a much more civilized approach, since he killed coco by raging. He could've easily just found a teammate, and if they died use their body for clones.

    Anonymous March 30, 2017 2:51 am
    Well, he could've done a much more civilized approach, since he killed coco by raging. He could've easily just found a teammate, and if they died use their body for clones. @Rain

    Not necessarily. Using the watcher who knows about the job and sacrifice is technically better. Theoretically it's morally better since they know the system and therefore subject themselves to the system rather than the ignorant sheep that are the civilians/allies. Not to mention if he used an ally then they theoretically could have had acquaintances or families to run into, whereas the watchers I assume only knew other watchers and people outside the dystopia.

    JmusicCat January 2, 2018 3:03 am

    but didnt he say he Got axyatiy that for him was hard to make friends or be around people.

    Tolza didnt know how to do it on another way he only though it was that why to get power but never understand how to keep his level.

    it feels more nobody told him how to use it and only read or though him that way same with the guy who wanted make friends he only said something abou getting love.

    i only feel they all got twisted how to earn the lvl up mode that diffrent ways where to get them but all did on there unique abitly soo in th end i think there where no mistake

    but that only my opstion on the 3 of them