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Hello guys! Just here to talk about some stuff, that i like to share. So.. i've join the ...

Kei March 5, 2017 4:25 pm

Hello guys!
Just here to talk about some stuff, that i like to share.
So.. i've join the volleyball team not long ago, probably 1/2 months.
I am starting to relize that the.. girls.. don't like me in general.
Not sure if it's my apprearance or i just suck at volleyball ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I can't really serve yet and i can see that they find it really irritating to teach me and get no results. ( ̄∇ ̄")
The girls don't even talk to me now.. i'm usually with the boys or my friend.
I was thinking that if it was best if i left the team and not bother them anymore? ( ̄へ ̄)

    Anonymous March 5, 2017 4:39 pm

    being able to socialize with your own age group is critical in developing communication skills for young people. i doubt they'd only be rude for having poor skill. you need to learn how to communicate yourself properly and listen when talked to. particularly develop the skills to entertain and talk to the people around you and make friends. the internet cannot suffice the proper charisma needed to have the real skill for tete-a-tete. at the very least, discipline yourself to be more appealing towards others and yourself and the rest should come naturally. be an open person to communicate to, and often time for people in school, the best small talk to bond with each other is talking about common struggles and problems you mutually face with the other person.

    kaye March 5, 2017 4:46 pm

    You don't have to, it doesn't do anything better if you leave the team so instead, show them the spirit you have, ok?

    Pacgirl March 5, 2017 5:29 pm

    Well you certainly more guts than me. I went for the less "mainstream" sports in my school years that no one knew how to play and that sport was field hockey.
    Since no one knew how to play, everyone was pretty much on the same level. It was a small group too which usually goes better in terms of good atmosphere.

    But as the first anon said socializing is key. Field hockey helped me improve that skill. I was able to move on to the "mainstream" sports without even being really good at them cause I knew how to talk and get social cues.

    Jellyfishdream March 5, 2017 7:55 pm

    Just give it some time, it'll get better the more you improve, because volleyball is a teamsport in which you can't really do anything on your own, it's a little frustrating having to work with somebody who is completelly new, but part of it is also because you notice yourself how much harder it is and how much better you have to do if you practice with somebody who is worse than you which often irritates. Don't worry though, in the beginning you will improve rather fast, once you have the basics down it'll become a lot easier, also at some point there will be other newbies joining you and it'll become your turn to teach. Don't give up just now, it just takes a while to find your place and as long as you have at least one friend you have at least someone to talk to ^^
    That's at least the experience I made ;)