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The father is the real monster! I wish he die a painful death. Poor Maya, I feel him coz I...

abumie March 9, 2017 4:47 pm

The father is the real monster! I wish he die a painful death. Poor Maya, I feel him coz I have similar experience as him. I was the only mix blood and red hair in my old school. It really was an ugly and painful experience to be hated just because your hair and skin is different. The school principal even forced me to dye my hair black (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    kxisha March 9, 2017 6:19 pm

    oh wow i'm so sorry you had to go thru that, hope life is going better for you now.

    Eva Mark 06 March 9, 2017 8:44 pm

    I'm sorry you went under such situations, it's unfair, especially having to dye your hair because of stupid prejudice.. I hope that now everything is better

    abumie March 12, 2017 1:51 am
    oh wow i'm so sorry you had to go thru that, hope life is going better for you now. kxisha

    thanks. :). Life does get better and I moved to a much better school too. I guess it helps that I have somehow managed to make friends and slowly build a support net. Once upon a time, the bullying did make my life miserable, but, in hindsight, it made me want to do something to help other students like me. Instead of becoming bitter and resenting everyone, we should accept it and take life for what it is. I did ended up becoming a councellor and even managed meet one of the bully during one of my counselling session. I'm thankful that he had change to a much better adult

    abumie March 12, 2017 1:58 am
    I'm sorry you went under such situations, it's unfair, especially having to dye your hair because of stupid prejudice.. I hope that now everything is better Eva Mark 06

    yes, it's unfair but that time my parents have no choice but to follow the rule. I'm lucky I moved school two years later. Thankfully life does get better for me. The bullying experience teache me I had to develop a mental framework that could remain solid and strong no matter what people said about me. Weird but I believed that the bullies have tried to undermine my selfconfidence in the past is the very origin of the extreme confidence in myself I have today :)