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I am quite bothered with Kirishima's inner monologue. The one with Asami not picking up Ak...

violetlove March 11, 2017 3:19 pm

I am quite bothered with Kirishima's inner monologue. The one with Asami not picking up Akihito anymore. Asami not picking up Akihito is only temporary right? Until the situation becomes safe? That line sounded like Asami will leave Akihito forever in that secluded temple.

    Lady Seph March 11, 2017 5:57 pm

    No, I'm pretty positive it meant they're not going to pick him up for awhile longer, because of the danger of the situation with Sudou and Aaron. He was sent to a far, secluded location to be kept safe, off radar. If Akihito came back now, it would cause chaos and problems, because for any powerful enemy of Asami's, Aki is the ultimate leverage. Asami and Kirishima know that. And same with Asami's phone and email changing. Zero detection. Aki needs to stay back, learn some skills, bide his time, and return at the right time. With this new character development I'm sure Aki will be returning in a time of crisis for Asami, when he's cornered or in danger. Aki could sneak back and catch whatever enemy off guard. We'll see.

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 1:24 am
    No, I'm pretty positive it meant they're not going to pick him up for awhile longer, because of the danger of the situation with Sudou and Aaron. He was sent to a far, secluded location to be kept safe, off rad... @Lady Seph

    I think that it will be temporary. Look at Asami's facial expressions (the few he has) in the latest chapter. The last time he was like this was when Akihito was in Hong Kong with Fei Long. Maybe after learning defense, Akihito will feel worthy.

    Lady Seph March 12, 2017 3:17 am
    I think that it will be temporary. Look at Asami's facial expressions (the few he has) in the latest chapter. The last time he was like this was when Akihito was in Hong Kong with Fei Long. Maybe after learn... @Anonymous

    It's definitely temporary. It's more a question of how exactly Aki will return to Tokyo. Is it going to be during a calm in the storm, which I doubt. I think Aki will be deep into training, and at some point Aki and/or his monk mentor will catch wind of serious trouble with Asami. Aki will demand to return to Asami, regardless of the monk disagreeing or Asami ordering him to be kept out there. Stubborn and relentless, Aki will get back to wherever Asami is and lend help with his new skills.

    It'll be an interesting turning point in the story overall, because Aki's personal conflict over his relationship with a powerful yakuza who dabbles in all things illegal is still churning, whether Aki likes it or not. Not to mention that their relationship didn't start off pleasant to begin with. It's been held together largely by the raw physical, chemical need for each other. They both know they're bound to one another, physically, but emotionally and morally remains to be seen. Aki doesn't want to go all the way down the rabbit hole, and Yamane Sensei alluded to this on Twitter too I think, but his choice in the matter is shrinking fast. He's tangoed with the likes of Fei Long and Mikhail, is in Sudou's and Aaron's crosshairs, and is shacking up with Japan's biggest crime lord. It's kinda crazy how Aki hasn't been exposed by any press (ironically) about his connection to Asami. Time will tell if Aki relents for love, regardless of morals, or if something happens that pushes Aki away, such as "eliminating" someone innocent, purposeful or accidental.

    violetlove March 12, 2017 2:06 pm
    No, I'm pretty positive it meant they're not going to pick him up for awhile longer, because of the danger of the situation with Sudou and Aaron. He was sent to a far, secluded location to be kept safe, off rad... @Lady Seph

    I'm looking forward to a scene where it will be Aki's chance to save Asami (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 7:10 pm

    Maybe, Asami realized his lifestyle is too dangerous for Akihito to stand by him and let him go for his own safety. Imo, if anything happens to him because of Asami would never forgive himself and this is the second time Akihito got hurt because of his enemies and a obsessive idiot fanboy. Maybe if there will be a next arc Asami will have a love rival this time.

    PS: Before Lui Fei Long fans shoot me, let me be clear, when I said obsessive fanboy I meant Sudou. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    LadyLigeia March 12, 2017 7:37 pm
    Maybe, Asami realized his lifestyle is too dangerous for Akihito to stand by him and let him go for his own safety. Imo, if anything happens to him because of Asami would never forgive himself and this is the s... @Anonymous

    To be honest I didn't think of Sudou (much less Feilong) but I thought of the crazy stalker of the pop star Momohara Ai (a 'fanboy' who was obsessed with her). By the way Momohara Ai is Aki's tender 'fangirl'. Better Asami never knows. Oo

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 7:50 pm
    To be honest I didn't think of Sudou (much less Feilong) but I thought of the crazy stalker of the pop star Momohara Ai (a 'fanboy' who was obsessed with her). By the way Momohara Ai is Aki's tender 'fangirl'.... LadyLigeia

    Do you know the term loving a shadow? Like when teenagers fall in "love" with their idols without knowing nothing about them at all? That's how I see Sudou, he didn't fell for Asami he fell for Asami he created in his fantasies and, that is one of the reasons I pity Sudou.

    Imo Sudou is obsessive, unrequited love is very painful and sad thing but loving someone from distance is one thing kidnapping, molesting and hurting your crushes lover is another. That is one of the reasons I get angry when people compare Sudou whith

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 7:53 pm
    It's definitely temporary. It's more a question of how exactly Aki will return to Tokyo. Is it going to be during a calm in the storm, which I doubt. I think Aki will be deep into training, and at some point Ak... @Lady Seph

    I agree with your theory. Also, Akihito isn't clear how Asami feels about him (even though it took being kidnapped by Sudou to figure out he is part of Asami's private life) but is clear that he loves Asami. After reading the summary of the novel, I think that Asami doesn't want Akihito to go down that rabbit hole either because he is the only light in Asami's life. I like how sensei exposed that Kirishima knows exactly how his boss feels about Akihito and is worried that his boss will do something stupid to be with Akihito.

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 7:57 pm
    Do you know the term loving a shadow? Like when teenagers fall in "love" with their idols without knowing nothing about them at all? That's how I see Sudou, he didn't fell for Asami he fell for Asami he created... @Anonymous

    Ugh, I hate my dog sometimes ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Do you know the term loving a shadow? Like when teenagers fall in "love" with their idols without knowing nothing about them at all? That's how I see Sudou, he didn't fell for Asami he fell for Asami he created in his fantasies and, that is one of the reasons I pity Sudou.

    Imo Sudou is obsessive, unrequited love is very painful and sad thing but loving someone from distance is one thing kidnapping, molesting and hurting your crushes lover is another. That is one of the reasons I get angry when people compare Sudou with Fei while Fei had certain history and a reasonable excuses to do what he did Sudou had none of them.

    Because of that I see Fei, as a very interesting character who had more character development than anyone else in this manga, and like him so much. But imo Sudou is just a cheap knockoff who couldn't be interesting or likable as Fei.

    LadyLigeia March 12, 2017 8:33 pm
    Ugh, I hate my dog sometimes ヽ(`Д´)ノDo you know the term loving a shadow? Like when teenagers fall in "love" with their idols without knowing nothing about them at all? That's how I see Sudou, he didn't ... @Anonymous

    I think there's something behind Sudou's 'craziness'. I had a bad feeling when I read the page where Sudou was saying to Aki: 'Don't you dare say his name that easily!'. I think Sudou knows something really dark and dangerous about Asami that us as readers still don't know. Oo

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 9:10 pm
    I think there's something behind Sudou's 'craziness'. I had a bad feeling when I read the page where Sudou was saying to Aki: 'Don't you dare say his name that easily!'. I think Sudou knows something really dar... LadyLigeia

    Interesting theory, I hope we will learn more about Sudou in new chapters, but to me he always seemed similar to some vain people I know in real life. I'm talking about kinds of women who chose their boyfriends according to their bank accounts, cars and appearance. While we say, this is a manga there is no way those kind of people exist in RL but unfortunately they do.
    'Don't you dare say his name that easily!' I always assumed what Sudou meant was "you are not good enough to say his name". And this is something he said out of jealousy. You know while he can't even come close to Asami, a "nobody" like Akihito became center of his world.

    Like I say, of course I may be wrong. These are just assumptions I made when I compared Sudou to those people I know really well in RL and realized how many common points they have with Sudou.

    LadyLigeia March 12, 2017 9:27 pm
    Interesting theory, I hope we will learn more about Sudou in new chapters, but to me he always seemed similar to some vain people I know in real life. I'm talking about kinds of women who chose their boyfriends... @Anonymous

    I think Sudou's feelings have to do with something else, not just jealousy or disdain. It's more like: -you really don't know Asami so you can't talk-. There's something else behind, just my opinion.

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 10:04 pm
    I think Sudou's feelings have to do with something else, not just jealousy or disdain. It's more like: -you really don't know Asami so you can't talk-. There's something else behind, just my opinion. LadyLigeia

    Sudou may knew some things since he worked for Asami but, he wasn't important and irreplaceable as he thought he was. I think, he didn't even knew about Hong Kong incident because if he did, he would never tried to attack Akihito or make deals behind Asami with Mikhail (I feel like Aaron is his man).
    Who knows maybe he had some delusions of grandeur or simply became too drunk with his own power but, there is one thing I'm sure of and it's the fact he was only in love with the idea of Asami Ryuichi the businessman/gangster not the man himself.

    LadyLigeia March 12, 2017 10:23 pm
    Sudou may knew some things since he worked for Asami but, he wasn't important and irreplaceable as he thought he was. I think, he didn't even knew about Hong Kong incident because if he did, he would never trie... @Anonymous

    I agree with you about Sudou being obsessed with the idea of Asami (not the man himself). I remember he asked Aki if he knew why Asami went to Hong Kong himself to rescue him (because usually that kind of business were done by his underlings). Sudou didn't know so much about Asami's personal feelings, but I wonder about one thing: No one knows, because we see the most part of the story through the eyes of the other characters ( Feilong, Kuroda, especially Aki). We as readers have only a hint of Asami's thoughts and feelings.
    About Mik: I have the feeling he's having troubles inside his own organization and maybe Aaron is the member of one separated branch. Obviously I'm not sure.

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 10:39 pm
    I agree with you about Sudou being obsessed with the idea of Asami (not the man himself). I remember he asked Aki if he knew why Asami went to Hong Kong himself to rescue him (because usually that kind of busin... LadyLigeia

    Yes, definitely Sudou is in love with his imaginary Asami, and imo that is one of the reasons Asami loves Akihito and has a soft spot for Fei, because they love him for who he is not who he pretends to be.
    I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I really don't like Pray in the Abyss arc, imo a threesome relationship between AxAxF would be much more interesting. I wonder if I'm the only one who ships those three together not just AxA or AxF, three of them together feels more complete to me.
    About Mik: I agree with Aaron being a member of a separate branch, maybe Yuri feels grudge against Asami after Hong Kong and rebelled against Mik. This part is my wishful thinking but I don't think Akihito can be badass in such a short time and Fei will come to the rescue(≧∀≦). Maybe he will even give Sudou piece of his mind.

    LadyLigeia March 12, 2017 10:59 pm
    Yes, definitely Sudou is in love with his imaginary Asami, and imo that is one of the reasons Asami loves Akihito and has a soft spot for Fei, because they love him for who he is not who he pretends to be. I d... @Anonymous

    I like the Pray in the Abyss arc, to be honest. About A×A×F, I think there are many people that dislike the idea of a never ending threesome (I like the idea, but I'm in the minority here) (≧∀≦)(≧∀≦). About Aki loving Asami for who he is: Aki truly loves him, but at the same time knows so little about Asami, if you analize it. The same for Fei: even he knew only one of the many faces of our mysterious man. ;)

    Anonymous March 12, 2017 11:21 pm
    I like the Pray in the Abyss arc, to be honest. About A×A×F, I think there are many people that dislike the idea of a never ending threesome (I like the idea, but I'm in the minority here) (≧∀≦)(≧∀�... LadyLigeia

    Maybe threesome can happen after this arc.(≧∀≦) I can even imagine how can it happen
    Asami is seriously injured, Aki is in shock and can't even move and about to be killed by Sudou, just in time Fei comes to rescue, Molly Weasley style and says "not my lovers, bitch".
    I know this will anger lots of AxA fans but, a girl can dream, no?(≧∀≦)

    LadyLigeia March 12, 2017 11:27 pm
    Maybe threesome can happen after this arc.(≧∀≦) I can even imagine how can it happen Asami is seriously injured, Aki is in shock and can't even move and about to be killed by Sudou, just in time Fei comes... @Anonymous

    We all have the right to dream, yaoi is a fantasy after all. (≧∀≦)(≧∀≦)

    Anoni Grrl March 13, 2017 12:36 am
    Maybe threesome can happen after this arc.(≧∀≦) I can even imagine how can it happen Asami is seriously injured, Aki is in shock and can't even move and about to be killed by Sudou, just in time Fei comes... @Anonymous

    I like this fantasy. We may never see it, but I like it.

    LadyLigeia March 13, 2017 1:22 am
    I like this fantasy. We may never see it, but I like it. Anoni Grrl

    Am I the only one who imagines Aki getting a little jealous when Fei will reappear (possibly as an ally)? I'm saying this because Aki doesn't know what kind of relationship they had in the past (and never asked Asami about that).