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I seriously thought that Sou-san was going to see Yuuma with his niece and be all dramatic...

Kikomo Yuzu March 12, 2017 7:32 am

I seriously thought that Sou-san was going to see Yuuma with his niece and be all dramatic like "I'm WAY late in returning, you had a kid while I was gone TT^TT" and glad that didn't happen...there was already enough senseless drama (ex: Yuu-kun gets a little burn on his arm, so Sou-san randomly confesses that he was once yakuza. Really ya'll? Ever heard of logic? Or lying?) Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Anyway, the two of them were actually quite cute together ^///^ And at least this manga actually HAS an ending, unlike some of sensei's other works ( ̄∇ ̄")
