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this hit so close to home i use to work with a guy like that everyone was afraid to say an...

Lady Avalon March 12, 2017 10:44 am

this hit so close to home i use to work with a guy like that everyone was afraid to say anything except when they hinted on his birthday he would receive gifts of cologne and deodorant and even on Christmas my boss made a basket of laundry detergent and bathing supplies and he had ask me why is he the only getting gifts me being new but not so new didn't know no better and i'm not very careful how i talk to people still working on that by the way anyways so i told him straight up since he invaded my personal space to ask a question " dude first back up the reason behind those gifts is obvious" him confuse look " dude really you smell bad really bad" him he went into straight up denial mode and even had the nerve to complain to our boss like for real so i got a lecture from my boss about being more delicate with my words and be more sensitive to other people the thoughts going through my head at the time...................(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
