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My opinion and view of the manga. If you're going to hate just because you love the manga then ok good for u

ryosuke March 15, 2017 4:08 pm

In the beginning, I really disliked the girl because gurl, why you gotta stick your nose in everybody's business only to get into trouble and have everyone worry for you.

But then my disliked transferred to Fuji towards the end as in he's so immature like boi what even
And I also thought the cousin was really unnecessary because cousins( ̄へ ̄)

I cant stop reading once i start and let's just say that it was a really wild roller coaster ride with emotions changing faster than koro sensei's 20 mach
But i liked Kurama and the other friend with the light colour hair(idk her name) so it wasn't a bad manga but isn't exactly hood either
