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I can only think of the twins theory right now. I'm so sure that the one Souma talking to ...

Tiana Kei March 19, 2017 10:10 pm

I can only think of the twins theory right now. I'm so sure that the one Souma talking to is Ciel, because he is so welcome over him. I know it's impossible but what if Undertaker done it, to brings back the death body. The picture that Agni found before he run to Souma what picture is that actually. Is it Ciel with his twin or what, because his expression change to shocked when he found the other fragment. I'm sure Ciel will never done that to Souma. the only thing that come to my mind is only Ciel's twin. But, please don't kill Souma 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

    kurokawa March 19, 2017 10:43 pm

    I was thinking untill now that undertaker wanted to revive ciel's father thats why he was doing all this....bringing back the dead ones.
    I dnt know if u remember or not but once undetaker said that earl is still with which ciel and sebastian got shocked after listening to this

    Tiana Kei March 22, 2017 6:29 am

    oh yes, I remember that one. I thought that was about Vincent too, but after reading the latest update I can only think of Ciel's twin. But Ciel also confused of who undertaker means by earl, whether that is for Ciel or someone else since they were talking about Vincent.

    kurokawa March 22, 2017 6:43 am
    oh yes, I remember that one. I thought that was about Vincent too, but after reading the latest update I can only think of Ciel's twin. But Ciel also confused of who undertaker means by earl, whether that is fo... Tiana Kei

    Yeaahh....there is so many possibilty...let's see what happens in next chapter #-.-)