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OMG finally a boy , man i don't even have a friend who likes yaoi more than me , and I've ...

fabulousllama March 21, 2017 12:55 am

OMG finally a boy , man i don't even have a friend who likes yaoi more than me , and I've been wanting to be friend w boy who likes yaoi dduuuhhh *slapmaself*

    Luna Starr March 21, 2017 3:23 am

    i have a guy friend that doesnt like yaoi to much. but it doent bother him at all. He lets me ramble on about, even juicy parts, and listens well. it doesnt bother him cause he is bi, and about a month ago he told me he would be a bottom. I told him i saw him as an intectaul bottom. then he texted me last week saying he took a yoai test on twitter because im always talking about, and he got an intectual uke that need a strong pastinete seme to care for them. I almost started laughing in public, at the wrong place, and wrong time.

    sorry i know my story was random, but i saw your comment and it reminded me of it and i have no one to share the yaoi excitement i felt when i found this stuff out about my friend

    fabulousllama March 21, 2017 3:55 am
    i have a guy friend that doesnt like yaoi to much. but it doent bother him at all. He lets me ramble on about, even juicy parts, and listens well. it doesnt bother him cause he is bi, and about a month ago he t... Luna Starr

    OMG thank you for sharing your story w me , aww i really want to have a guy friend who is a bottom *lenny face* i can't even tell my guy friend That i like yaoi and shounen ai , in my country and my religion yes it's forbidden , I've never even met any gay couple , i just want to go fly to japan and bought a room there and fill it with yaoi stuff , i did told my friends that i want to be friend with gay people but their face expression doesn'tseem pleasing xD i have one les girl in my class almost all the girl in my class know about it and they even told me to stay away a little from her and i don't understand why , i played with her like how we always do

    yannacutie2301 March 21, 2017 5:50 am
    i have a guy friend that doesnt like yaoi to much. but it doent bother him at all. He lets me ramble on about, even juicy parts, and listens well. it doesnt bother him cause he is bi, and about a month ago he t... Luna Starr

    This story is so funny and I would love to be friends with u lol cuz I have many juicy stories to tell as well lol (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Luna Starr March 21, 2017 6:22 am
    OMG thank you for sharing your story w me , aww i really want to have a guy friend who is a bottom *lenny face* i can't even tell my guy friend That i like yaoi and shounen ai , in my country and my religion y... fabulousllama

    just this year two gay guys came out and i friends with both along with one les couple. they way my guy friend found out i liked yaoi and we started talking was he was looking at a funny picture i had saved in my phone and instead of handing it back he kept scrolling. which then continued with alot of qustions. Gay couples and such arnt exactly accepted at my school or among my friends, but i dont care and they dont really have a say since its not legal here in my country. wheather my friends accept it or not it does not effect me, and if they decide to defriend me cause i accept it then we dont need to be freinds ( ̄へ ̄) if they cant have an open mind enough to aknouwledge the fact that other people will have different opinions. Im sorry to hear you cant have such openes over where ever you are. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Luna Starr March 21, 2017 6:24 am
    This story is so funny and I would love to be friends with u lol cuz I have many juicy stories to tell as well lol (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ yannacutie2301

    well the day he told me he was a bottom i kinda lost it. i laughed for so long and so hard, and when i would stop laughing it would start agian cause i was trying to put in my mind what sort of bottom he was that i kinda lost my voise for two days. He has yet to stop teasing me for my reaction.
    And being friends sounds nice i have more stories as well.

    yannacutie2301 March 21, 2017 6:54 am
    well the day he told me he was a bottom i kinda lost it. i laughed for so long and so hard, and when i would stop laughing it would start agian cause i was trying to put in my mind what sort of bottom he was th... Luna Starr

    Lmao ok then it's settle u just made a new yaoi bestie(≧∀≦) nice to meet u lol just text whenever in the inbox Im on here everyday so I'll respond( ̄∇ ̄")