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I still haven't started reading this manga, but i would like to... So i wanted to know if ...

yuuen... March 2, 2013 11:42 pm

I still haven't started reading this manga, but i would like to... So i wanted to know if the series ware completed or if they stooped when the author passed away??? I don't mean anything bad by it.. I just want to know because i don't want to be left in the middle of reading :(

    a-chan March 4, 2014 1:22 am

    It stopped when the author died, so it's not really completed. It's worth the read anyway; the story is well-done, and despite missing a 'climax', the point where it stopped feels fitting and not broken off at all.

    There's no "Yay, we achieved our goals!"-ending, but they come to terms with themselves and what music means to them. That makes the whole story feel more like an episode out of a musician's life than a rise-to-fame-story, which is completely fine by itsself :)

    Oh, and you WILL cry. I didn't believe any of the comments, but the way everything slowly fades to white was simply heartbreaking....and yet so fitting. Absolutely worth reading! ♥