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Shinshirou March 23, 2017 1:18 pm

I live in a place where primary language of my country is my weakness due to my sheltered life. Therefore, it is hard for me to communicate with others. It is so bad that most people thought im a foreigner and not a local. At first, it was funny but eventually it becomes a nightmare.

People around me started to avoid me just because it is hard to talk to me. There are also some who insist that I should learned the language as fast as I can but it is not as easy as they said. I did try my best to learn as much as I can but it is not enough. I even got a feeling that some even talk behind my back out loud just because i couldn't understand them.

It could be my fault for not learning the language while Im still young. Still, there are times that I thought of leaving my country and just migrate to an English-speaking country.┗( T﹏T )┛

That's the end of my story here and thank you for your time. Feeling much better now. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Anonymous March 23, 2017 1:38 pm

    I hear you. I have a Three friends who was born and raised in my country but cant understand and speak the primary language which is tagalog because we have this specialty school that doesnt really teach them? And people make fun off how they cant speak tagalog and how they're being stuck up elites.
    (Bec here in PH a lot of people think speaking in english is showing off and people tend to make fun of it)

    And it pisses me off. I remember getting into a fight because of it. i tend to speak english more than my own language cause i have more control of it and i can express myself more than in my countries language and this girl made fun of how me and my friends speak english and i ended up snapping at her
    (Ehich i normally dont do that im a pacifist) maybe thats also the reason why i dont talk much.

    So you gotta hang in there and you shouldn't rush learning your language beacuse it just creates this kind of deadline in your brain and you'll end up learning less than more. Start learning the basics first like everyday talk and then some common words, start slow. Thats what i did or start watching a movie or series from your country with English subtitles or find a short story in your primary language and highlight the ones you dnt understand and translate it into english.


    Gramophone March 23, 2017 1:39 pm

    Mom, is that you ?
    I can understand how you feel. My mother is here since almost 40 years and can't speak fluently. Her job is very hard and she can't even complain because nobody would understand... I was born in France so I speak French and sometimes it's hard to communicate with her (._.)

    Shinshirou March 23, 2017 1:55 pm
    I hear you. I have a Three friends who was born and raised in my country but cant understand and speak the primary language which is tagalog because we have this specialty school that doesnt really teach them? ... @Anonymous

    Thanks for your advice(⌒▽⌒). Appreciate it very much. Those friends you have there are lucky to have you.

    Shinshirou March 23, 2017 2:02 pm
    Mom, is that you ? I can understand how you feel. My mother is here since almost 40 years and can't speak fluently. Her job is very hard and she can't even complain because nobody would understand... I was born... Gramophone

    We're in a same boat. It is also hard for me to communicate with my mom that i had never texted her before since she would not understand the message. ╥﹏╥

    Shinshirou March 23, 2017 2:04 pm
    I hear you. I have a Three friends who was born and raised in my country but cant understand and speak the primary language which is tagalog because we have this specialty school that doesnt really teach them? ... @Anonymous

    Thank you for your advice. Appreciate very much! Those friends you have there are lucky to have you.

    Chilla008 March 23, 2017 2:31 pm
    I hear you. I have a Three friends who was born and raised in my country but cant understand and speak the primary language which is tagalog because we have this specialty school that doesnt really teach them? ... @Anonymous

    I don't get that. How can you be born and raised in the same country and not speak the language? I've had acquaintances whose mother tongue is English since it's what their household practice for "convince" due to their family's status. But they can speak native and the national language as well. I guess they're more acquainted with more people? It always amazes me how they speak "English" to their siblings with such class and grace and I'm like oh, yeah, I guess they really are a notch class higher than us but then they just turn around and talk to us like normal people.

    People should eventually learn in time right? How secluded can one get as to not learning the national language which they spend their entire life living?

    Shira March 23, 2017 2:49 pm
    Thank you for your advice. Appreciate very much! Those friends you have there are lucky to have you. Shinshirou

    You are not alone I can speak with my mum about simply things but when it comes to something important I can't explain it very well so she tells me that she can't understand me

    Shinshirou March 23, 2017 3:06 pm
    I don't get that. How can you be born and raised in the same country and not speak the language? I've had acquaintances whose mother tongue is English since it's what their household practice for "convince" due... Chilla008

    Haha. I've encounter with lots of people who ask the same question as you. But sadly, even I questioned myself on why i cant learn it while others can.┗( T﹏T )┛I know it's weird but It just happens. Sorry that I cant really think of an exact reason for this.

    Shinshirou March 23, 2017 3:40 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! GIRL

    Yea. Im actually trying that but its a very slow process.(/TДT)/ Sometimes, it's like reading the same history book over and over again and forget about it the next day. ┗( T﹏T )┛. Haha but thanks a lot.

    seraph02 March 23, 2017 5:17 pm
    I hear you. I have a Three friends who was born and raised in my country but cant understand and speak the primary language which is tagalog because we have this specialty school that doesnt really teach them? ... @Anonymous

    I agree with you on this one...we Filipinos are..sad to say.. very judgemental. @SHISHIROU You can do it. Never to late to learn.

    Shinshirou March 23, 2017 5:52 pm
    I agree with you on this one...we Filipinos are..sad to say.. very judgemental. @SHISHIROU You can do it. Never to late to learn. seraph02

    Thanks a lot. I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one having this problem. Really really glad. (/TДT)/