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Does anyone remember this yaoi? The uke and seme are dating and very in love. I think they...

Trinity March 24, 2017 4:21 pm

Does anyone remember this yaoi?
The uke and seme are dating and very in love. I think they live and work together. The uke seems perfect the top of everything and best in his company.
The seme is younger then him and at times feels unworthy. He ends up confessing this to the uke. The uke takes him to his room and shows him a ton of cookbooks. He says how long does it take to make the curry we had for dinner? An hour or two? It took me 5 hours. No matter what I make it always take much longer then normal and the kitchen is always a mess after. I didnt tell u cause I love u and always want to show you my cool (or good) side.
Thank you to anyone who reads or answers this
