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Would've been great if she didn't plagiarized other mangaka's work, and got away with it b...

Sabongi March 24, 2017 5:56 pm

Would've been great if she didn't plagiarized other mangaka's work, and got away with it because of her mother's influence. I feel sorry for Takashima Kazusa sensei. I hope she'll start making or continue her manga again

    Len October 23, 2018 10:50 pm

    Could you tell the full details please?

    Anonymous November 16, 2018 8:08 pm
    Could you tell the full details please? Len

    ((copy pasted from user @...'s comment on "Last Client" manga:

    Ah, you want me to explain? Okay, but this will be a long post. Sorry.

    Umm... So Takashima Kazusa saw that there was another manga that seemed to look very similar to hers (Wild Rock). Some of her Wild Rock panels and storyline stuff seemed very similar to Kayano's. She suspected (with strong evidence) that Kayano (a shoujo mangaka) was plagiarizing and copying her yaoi manga. Takashima Kazusa took this issue to court saying that she was being plagiarized. BUT Kayano's mother (who is a very famous mangaka as well) spoke badly about sensei. Kayano's mother claimed that Kayano doesn't read BL so she couldn't have copied something she didn't read (though if you do research, Kayano writes yaoi and BL using a different pen name). Also, Kayano's mother spoke very badly about BL and yaoi in general. Despite all the evidence Takashima Kazusa had of Kayano copying her work, Takashima-sensei lost the case.

    BUT not only did she lose the case and her reputation, Kayano's mother threatened and pressured Takashima Kazusa's publishers to stop publishing sensei's work. Doing this would end Takashima's career. In the end, Takashima was banned from publishing her works for two years. When she came back, she ended up finishing Wild Rock (the very piece that was left for two years after being plagiarized). However, the other works Takashima was working on during that time were discontinued and could not be finished. Takashima has not finished any other works from that time period (this story included and that's why it's imcompleted and only left with rough sketches in the end). Takashima has done small projects here and there but hasn't published any large stuff since then. She has a piece from 2013 that is part of an anthology but it's only a oneshot and it's not translated anywhere that I could find. Sensei probably has a bad reputation and other publications might be scared to include her work... OR Sensei probably doesn't feel comfortable publishing mangas yet.

    Her reputation has been sullied by the case and by the power Kayano and her mother have in the industry. Takashima sensei hasn't been able to publish larger projects since. And Kayano is still a very famous and loved mangaka despite the plagiarism. I'm very saddened by this, even though this court case was over 15 years ago. Takashima Kazusa's career has been halted because of this issue, and Kayano's career is praised despite the damages she has created due to this case and other cases of plagiarism. I hope Takashima Kazusa can come back in full power soon. Thankfully, she has a blog that helps fans connect with her.

    Sorry if this was a super long post. But I hope I explained this well enough.