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Okay I can pretty much say for everyone that the zombie story was true horror but at the s...

Sakura March 26, 2017 2:50 pm

Okay I can pretty much say for everyone that the zombie story was true horror but at the same time that's really seriously true love right there, we have to admit that. Cause I mean , the guy died and still came back alive to go back to his lover and the uke still wants him and still do it with him even after finding out he's now a zombie and that the guy would constantly be torn apart especially during sex. Lol
Also, seriously though I have to admit. During the sex scene I couldn't fully focus on the story cause my thoughts were all over the place I kept thinking "sooo, during sex his arms, legs and other parts are falling off like that, what his penis though?" I know, wtf was I thinking and what the hell is wrong with me for thinking that but come on, some of you have to admit that some of you also thought the same thing I did too.
