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╥﹏╥ I kinda dislike this story... I feel so sorry for Rens girlfriend, because Ren p...

cinnamonroll March 27, 2017 8:29 pm

╥﹏╥ I kinda dislike this story... I feel so sorry for Rens girlfriend, because Ren promised her to always stay by her side - and that really made me sad :/ and I don't really like ninako, she can not be blamed for her feelings towards Ren, but for her behaviour ( ̄へ ̄) She knew Ren had a gf, but she didn't give up and did everything to be near Ren. And in my opinion that isn't brave or strong... she only thought of herself :/

    Sakuramachi January 2, 2018 12:40 am

    I dont even think Ren and his ex where really in love. I got the feeling he was just doing it out of pity. He saw how sad she was about her parents and he just wanted to help her feel better. Now the main character was not really pushing herself to ren. Yeah she liked him bit i wasn't like she was seducing him. He on his own fell in love with her. Now if she was really mean, she could of confessed again when she found out ren broke up with his gf. She actually asked him if he was ok.

    Lovena October 26, 2018 4:33 am
    I dont even think Ren and his ex where really in love. I got the feeling he was just doing it out of pity. He saw how sad she was about her parents and he just wanted to help her feel better. Now the main chara... Sakuramachi

    Nah. He liked her. We like people we come to not like as much and break up. That's life. We fall in love, date, fall out of love and break up.

    Yum December 20, 2018 2:07 am

    I know, they had a good relationship and now that I think about how they met and promised each other things, it really does make me sad that they broke up. However Mayuka also wanted to focus more on her career and she wanted to prioritise work over Ren

    balmy17 April 20, 2019 1:04 pm

    Well honestly I don't like both Ninako and Mayuka. And I think that Ren go out with Mayuka out of sympathy.