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mann I love the fuckers who tell others not to read a manga just because their op is diffe...

yo March 28, 2017 7:36 pm

mann I love the fuckers who tell others not to read a manga just because their op is different and they don't like a character. like come on chill, everyone's allowed to read whatever and it's like you hate the bad guy in movies so what it means you don't like the movie and others are allowed to tell you not to watch it?
come on people grow a brain and stop ganging on people for making their op I'm really sick of it..
anyways looks interesting. he's probably gonna pick the lowest card to prove he can manage to stay strong. an idiot in short lol

    moon March 28, 2017 8:42 pm

    I agree also I accidentally Meant to do

    Miara March 29, 2017 12:14 am

    Lol Ikr and it makes them sound ignorant as fuck cause if people don't read something how will they find out if they like it or not. I've had a couple people telling me not to read it as well just cause I didn't post a nice comment.

    Seems like we r supposed to comment nicely on every single manga on this website lol. I find it pathetic and rather stupid telling someone to stop reading something just because they posted a personal opinion and then they back it up with " it's rude and disrespectful" but in the end is what they think and feel so.....

    Anonymous March 29, 2017 12:39 am

    it's different when you show your dislike in a civilized and normal way rather than insulting everything.

    but of course, it's dumb to say someone not to read something when you have to read it to see what it's about.

    purplehairr March 29, 2017 2:53 am
    it's different when you show your dislike in a civilized and normal way rather than insulting everything.but of course, it's dumb to say someone not to read something when you have to read it to see what it's a... @Anonymous

    Hey I agree with you so so much. I actually dislike characters/manga/mangaka bashing even how bad it is, srsly this people