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ok look i know a million people have said "omg killing stalking" so i wont but i like that...

lola March 29, 2017 5:47 am

ok look i know a million people have said "omg killing stalking" so i wont but i like that he fights back
but this is fucking me up i dont like the rape stuff ehy does everyone think the abuser is "swexy uwu" i just am reading to see if he escapes uuuughhhhhhhjhhhhhh
why does he rape to trigger memories whats going on i just want the conflict to be resolved hudkjsoijero kill me

    Anonymous March 30, 2017 10:59 am

    if u dont like the rape stuff then maybe you couldve pressed that back button after seeing the rape warnings????,??

    lola April 5, 2017 1:19 am
    if u dont like the rape stuff then maybe you couldve pressed that back button after seeing the rape warnings????,?? @Anonymous

    i dont think anyone really likes the rape i mean it bothers me but it doesnt idk trigger me ? or anything? i just prefer relationships that are healthy and without rape and i think most people would agree
    but what i was saying is im not hating on it for having rape i mean its a part of the story i just want the conflict to be resolved and grow into a love with consent and stuff like that sorry if it was unclear