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Hidenori is a jerk

vanillafujoshi March 30, 2017 2:21 am

Am I the only one who didn't feel any love coming out from him towards Nakagami? I mean, he dumped his long-term ex bf to get married and then divorced his wife after few months and gets back to Tomo but unfortunately, Tomo has found his new love and few minutes later jumped into his friend who had been inlove with him for a long time but he suddenly left him for Africa after they sad sex then returned 6months later without contacting him in those times. HOW COULD I POSSIBLY TRUST A GUY LIKE THAT EASILY? He's a jerk!

    FD April 6, 2017 4:36 pm

    Well we dont know the past of the two that claimed to be in relationship since high school, maybe he s already move on b4 it gets complicated and didnt realized it till tomo found someone else, cant denied it, he need someone to rely on, just in time to be the guy who has crush on got a chance and he gladly take it.. but then again its only a manga.. sometimes it satisfiying but sometimes dont ..

    Aidan Felidae September 28, 2017 2:10 am

    I feel the same as you :))))