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His body is h0t, but his hands.. not so much.

moan March 31, 2017 6:18 am

Uhm. I was re-watching Finder pretty late (coz' screw school)
but uhm.. did anyone notice his hands looking.. abnormally large?
Got Proof? Yes:

at least it doesn't look like this:

    moan April 1, 2017 4:21 am
    Please, this conversation started with hands. Please stick to the hands. Leave the poor male genitalia alone. @Anonymous

    Hands > masturbation > at the age of touching > ??? The unknown area. (I don't think you wanna know)

    ^ I predict that this is how the conversation will flow.

    tokidoki April 1, 2017 4:23 am
    This.. is a master piece:, did you guys learn a lot about male genitalia in art history? moan

    I actually learned more from my life drawing class ...
    But seriously, we did cover a few things relating to sex and its importance in art as social commentary and as objects of worship. The female body was the first one venerated and turned into art ... see the Venus of Willendorf

    Totally different anon April 1, 2017 8:19 pm
    The statue of David was carved almost 2000 years after his death. An art historian tells us why he is carved this way: "In her blog, How To Talk About Art History, she explains: ‘Firstly, they’re flaccid. I... tokidoki

    I think this article single-handedly (pun totally intended!) gives hope to small-dicked men all over the planet who can now pitch their small penises to the ladies at the club on a Saturday night as a "prized possession" valued and revered by Ancient Greece. :D

    As for Michelangelo's David: Huge hand. Small dick. Sad.
    (and yes, that just sounded like one of Trump's tweets).

    Anonymous April 2, 2017 8:25 pm
    The Greeks had a fascination with male genitalia, and made statues called Herms (the god Hermes comes from this) tokidoki

    Seriously though, Greeks were the first fudanshi/fujoshi in the world, they even have various fanfictions of classical mythology.