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This doesn't relate to manga but I like some opinions

Cocoda March 31, 2017 1:06 pm

Hey this is random but there are time when you want to hear others opinions. Ok you know how some people get arranged marriage and sometimes it's good or it's bad. So my auntie did an arrange marriage for her son (more like someone to care of him... he's a sweet dude, average looking, quiet and partly blind_ so that's why she tried to find some for him). Auntie told the girl that and they met and she agreed to marry him. But after she came to Australia she doesn't try to talk to him, she told him she hates him and get auntie to buy her things because auntie wants to welcome her but I think things getting out of hand, like she doesn't want to do anything at all.
They're not registered yet so in my opinion I want to ask her does she want to be here, if not, leave after your visa is due (9month) and just do what you want right know. Go find a job to buy things that you want and learn while you can. Because we don't want her feel like she's in prison but all she do is sit in a dark corner... I understand you're coming to a different country and things she knows might be different to ours. And to be honest I think they rushed it too fast because they're having a wedding basically within 2 weeks.

What do you guys think

    zephyr4 March 31, 2017 1:32 pm

    I can totally relate to this, I've seen countless girls marry someone just because they wanted a green card to the states or just a fucking visa to get out of their country...heck one of my relatives is still visiting the court because his wife dumped him after she'd got her visa and a stable job. People can be very selfish and greedy. I don't want to be bashing on the girl but she seems she's only after the money. I feel really sad for the dude.
    I'd like to say that he should not marry her but I can see how desperate your Aunty is. Better than suffering sadness later, they should take it slow and actually consider it carefully since she's going to be his wife, not just some random room mate.

    zephyr4 March 31, 2017 1:49 pm

    Oh, and just to add, arranged mairrage can be good too as you said. Almost everyone around me including my parents had arranged mairrage...and it's all good :)

    Kira March 31, 2017 3:00 pm

    What i understand ia that she's a manipulative person. I mean, she told him that she hates him, manipulate your aunt to buy her things, and has no effort to fit into the family. Regardless of coming from different country or culture, she's just that kind of person. No where in the world where it is part of culture that the future daughter in law acts like a queen and treats the parents in law so rudely.
    If she marries into your family, i assume your family is going to suffer because of her. I know, because i've seen it happened to my friend's family.

    Cocoda March 31, 2017 3:51 pm

    Yeah my aunt and I (genreally my family, like mum, dad and siblings) agree to let her go but our whole family basically wants them to stay and "work it out" but she basically digusted by him she wouldn't let him talk to her and she has a boyfriend overseas. Also with the immergration law if she was to go back they would ask her why and she probably say that my cousin abused her or something to get half of his money and go to court, plus fines for lying to get her in Australia. Or they have to be together for 5 years to get a divorce. So my aunt feels bad because she basically lock her son in a cage, like what if he actually found a girl who likes but still hitched? Either way she'll get the money and my spent a lot already. Like it's better to let her go sooner than later.

    I think the reason why my aunt came to us is because my brother were put in arrange marriage and their happy but they met each other before when she came to visit and they actually talk. So yeah arrange marriage can work if two people actually try, whilst some you better leave.
    My sister is really awesome btw and a hard worker too but she still get shit like she doesn't do anything (bitch please she does a lot and brought herself a car with her own money) or she's going out at night (nuh duh she has friends and she's 30 not 13)... more like my other aunt are jelous because their daughter inlaw are spoil and wear clothes that's not child friendly at grandma's.
    But that's normal our aunt will gossips behind our back because my mum raised us to be good and if we're ever going to do something stupid keep it to yourself and don't brag or post it. But they still ask money from us and advice to whatever problems they have because I gotta admit my parents are pretty wise and welcoming

    Cocoda March 31, 2017 4:05 pm

    Well I'll see how it would work because you know I don't know her too well because she doesn't want to leave the house... like who knows she's just shy (trying to be positive XP) and moving to another country pretty suddenly is scary because she has no friends.

    Plus I'm one of the bridemaides, might as well take both of them on a double dates to see how they are in my prospective before I start judging her. Because I should learnt this by now that I can't trust what my Aunt says because they all gossip mean things about everyone. Even my mum said bad things about my sister in law to our aunt at the beginning and my brother argued with my mum