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Honestly, I can sort of relate to Subin

Spacetato April 1, 2017 11:39 pm

I'm bi, and I've had crushes on girls who've not liked me back. Most of them were actually queer like me, and they were actually really close but then they'd either like someone else, or just not be interested in me. I never confessed, since it was clear they wouldn't like me back, and my last crush got so close (we were tipsy and there was a bit of touching). However, she moved away, I found out how incompatible we were (she doesnt like romance, just sex) and I've been struggling for a few months to get over her, since we still get along and have "moments". As I've grown and gotten past the legal age to drink, plus with all these raging hormones, I've just been thinking of "Right now I could just go to a queer bar and have sex with someone". I will admit, Subin is being quite immature, especially with how he's represented in the story, but if you were to take out those little bits, it does become quite sad.
