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I swear Manga go has to install a "hide" button or "delete" button on their pages... It is...

Thryxie March 6, 2013 5:46 pm

I swear Manga go has to install a "hide" button or "delete" button on their pages... It is sooo hard to sort through the summary that good people who cares enough to translate the novel for us from all the b*llsh*t that warmongers are posting here! You don't like it... Don't read it!! Go find yourself something else to do! And I give my heartfelt thanks to those who takes the time to translate the novels for us! We are just a bunch of impatient brats who wanted to know what happens next! Kudos!!

    From what I heard March 6, 2013 5:45 pm

    It is a bit hard isn't it? I saved the summaries fro ch 5-10 "xxx" did on my tumblr so if it's too much trouble to sort through here

    Thryxie March 7, 2013 6:22 am

    @from what I heard... Thank you so much for all your hard work! Greatly appreciate this!! Just Awesome:D thanks for the link!!