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What? When the seme wants his uke to suck him off why did the uke think "I'M NOT A VOMEN!"...

YaoiLOVERX100000000000000000 March 6, 2013 7:32 pm

What? When the seme wants his uke to suck him off why did the uke think "I'M NOT A VOMEN!"
I HATE YOU! Must all women suck off YOU FUCKING IDIOT MEN!???!!!! DAMN, NOW I DISLIKE THIS FUCKING SHIT!!!!Go fuck your gay partner 'cause you're not getting any women with that attitude if you wanted some! Thank you, I love yaoi ^^

    the yaoi star March 20, 2013 11:54 am

    i don't understand what you said

    Unicorn April 11, 2013 8:03 pm

    Haha:)I agree. Most yaoi manga make women look bad and jealous b****es. That makes me really angry. But I still love yaoi.:")^_^

    Anonymous November 8, 2014 8:09 am

    Some women are not willing to suck dicks. If the guy is in heat,he might comes easily but if not,one is in deep shit 'cos blowing too long only makes the mouth numb and feel suffocated.

    Shadow February 11, 2015 7:27 am

    Okay... just saying... I'm a sex-starved almost-20-year-old virgin... and I have to say... I'm not all that thrilled or excited, nor am I looking forward to having to put his urine-drainage-tube into my mouth in the hopes that something, tasting "close to rotten milk" as my mom puts it, chokes me half to death because he's too greedy to tell me he's close... :/

    If the VIRGIN ain't excited about a form of sex... you better believe that shit is BAD! XD (≧∀≦)


    Shadow February 11, 2015 7:28 am

    ^^ AKA/In other words... "I HEAR YA GIRLFRIEEEENDDDD!!!" (≧∀≦)


    Shinobi12 February 11, 2015 9:18 am
    Okay... just saying... I'm a sex-starved almost-20-year-old virgin... and I have to say... I'm not all that thrilled or excited, nor am I looking forward to having to put his urine-drainage-tube into my mouth i... Shadow

    lol its so true XD i suck my husband but never for long periods of time cuz i hate the feeling of cum in my mouth

    Shadow February 12, 2015 2:53 am
    lol its so true XD i suck my husband but never for long periods of time cuz i hate the feeling of cum in my mouth Shinobi12

    This, my dear friend, t'is understandable!

    See... my parents are backwards... my dad is the girl, and my mom is the guy... (personality wise... don't judge me), so my mom is like "No way in HELL do I want a cock in my mouth!" And my dad is usually just like "Please? I'll give you a massage afterwards? I'll let you ride on top! I'll do anything!"

    Seriously... I think there is very little in this world that will convince me to do such a deed... much less to see the deed through to the end... DX

    Said "few things" would include $1,000,000, if I were to fall blindingly and madly in love with him and cease to "give a shit", and if he shits glitter and farts roses like a fuckin fairy princess unicorn! <-- Not joking... these are a few of the situations which would make me pants the poor fellow and proceed to devour him until he begged for mercy.... but there ain't much else... :/

