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I did read the serie and got disappointed and angry when I reached volume 20. (The manga i...

Silence April 4, 2017 5:03 pm

I did read the serie and got disappointed and angry when I reached volume 20. (The manga is published that far in my country)


A character forces Fumiko to perform a fellatio on Sakamoto and afterwards to be penetrated by him, the whole thing is not perceived as a rape on neither Fumiko/Sakamoto. I know that Japan has a very sexist and backward view on gender equality and other but that was just it. Shitty fanservice (Fumiko's bomb proof boobs) or her being tied/exposed to a poll, terrible misconception of phobia/trauma etc, the rape on vol.21 is the reason for me to drop that serie.

    Silence April 4, 2017 5:04 pm

    Aside from a lot of wrong stuff that could be corrected with proper documentation (Taira being treated with 40% vodka to kill the germs on chp 17 -Unless it's more than 60% it's useless and dangerous-), the Komodo dragons being aggressive (they are not, attacks are really rare) and others that I don't bother remember.