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mayorasgirl April 4, 2017 6:59 pm

I really don't know what to say now. This story totally took me breath and my heart away.

The art is wonderful, the characters made my life better and the storyline's so beautiful and perfectly-made that i can't help but call this manga my favourite.

It made me cry, filled me with joy, made me laugh, made my heart broke, put it pack together, melted my senses and killed my thought.

I guess this is the simpliest way to describe this manga, or, better, lifechanger. This manga really made my last days and i'm totally sure that some day i'll finally get the chance to buy it in my language. Dreams'll be fulfilled!

Please, to everyone who reads this and didn't read the manga already, PLEASE DO IT. I promise from the bottom of my heart, you won't regret it. Thanks Yuki for creating this masterwork, really.
