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I thought it would be good since many people like it but just cant bring myself to like Ma...

Anonymous March 8, 2013 12:47 pm

I thought it would be good since many people like it but just cant bring myself to like Masahiro. He has 3 major flaws in his personality:
- he used his body to get his goal (something to be frowned upon)
- he is not so smart to believe the brother loves him. If its true, why would he let him use his body to get his goal?
- The brother is not entirely wrong to say that Masahiro is not faithful when he fell in love with Fukaya after sleeping with him while he is still dating the brother. This is cheating but its good that the brother is a douche.
The story is too rushed for me to sympathize with him, like how he fell in love with the younger brother and the end is way too fast.

    Paranmaru June 8, 2014 8:47 pm

    "Used his body to get his goal" that's pretty much a given in Yaoi - LOL! I felt Masahiro loved Naoki but didn't realize the kind of person he really was. Masahiro allowed himself to be seduced by Fukaya (but really he was the seducer) to help Naoki discredit him & win the title. But Masahiro unintentionally fell in love with Fukaya & felt remorseful & conflicted. Then he realized Naoki had never loved but only used him from the first & spent years making it up to Fukaya & winning his forgiveness.