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Ive read the novel, but my chinese isn't that great but i can read most of it and i answer...

spoilersahead March 8, 2013 3:09 pm

Ive read the novel, but my chinese isn't that great but i can read most of it and i answer some questions already posted.

No Lu Cang's brothers found him aline by morning and he doesn't sleep with the girl since he wouldnt be able to live with himself if he did. Jing knew from the beginning that cao xin wasnt sick and it was their intention to get him laid (he is the emperor afterall). So he used this as an opportunity to test Lu cang loyalty. Jing said that he will kill Lu rong rong (the girl he was suppose to sleep with) if he does sleep with her regardless.

In regards to what happened before chapter 16 goes like

Lu cang and Jing all lovey dovey but lu cang is bored and unhappy of palace life (he lived there for couple of months). Lu cang was insulted by an high official named zhang xiao dong at a gathering, claiming that he rose to his position by being the emperor's favorite (which Jing defended Lu cang by saying that every officials needs to be a favorite to rise to the position that they are in). After the gathering, Jing thought Lu cang was mad since he was happily chatting away with other official during the gathering and refused to sleep with him claiming to be sick (Lu cang was sick and he wasnt really mad since he understood Jing position as emperor). After being badgered countless times by jing, Lu cang got mad claiming hes not like those women in the royal harem who gets jealous and uses other man to show his protest. Jing apologizes and realises that lu cang is really sick and lets him sleep. Jing realizes that lu cang havent seen his brothers in long time and organised them a position in the palace (it was later revealed that he was using them to make lu cang want to stay) . it turns out that zhang xiao dong was in change and has been beating one of his brother. Furious about this lu cang charge to where zhang xiao dong is and started beating him. the emperor and imperial guards arrived and zhang xiao dong father was an retired high official and (his family has served the emperor for 5 generations) started calling for justice. lu cang started being really rude (saying that he could treat his brothers like that and he would leave). he hurled a vase at him and there was a fight. his brother was arrested. Lu cang accused Jing of purposefully putting his brothers under zhang xiao dong than claiming he will never forgive jing. lu cang refused to admit that he was wrong and was punished personally by the emperor. his brothers was sent back to hanzhou after seeing the injuries inflicted to lu cang. jing stayed until lu cang woke up, lu cang furious. this is where chapter 16 begins. this is only summarised version, with alot of dialog left out.

    From what I heard March 8, 2013 3:41 pm

    Whoa thanks for the summary of Vol 1 Epilogue and ch11-15!! I really don't plan to translate those chapters so I'm sure lots of people will be happy that you summarized it!

    From what I heard March 8, 2013 3:43 pm

    I'm...gonna copy and paste it on the tumblr if you don't mind >___>

    Jing Cang March 8, 2013 4:46 pm

    Thank you hun! So political reasons make lu cang ran away..huhu

    Jing Cang March 8, 2013 4:49 pm

    lu cang was punished personally by the emperor...what kind of punishment is that? i can guess but i'd like to hear it from you :)

    Jing Cang March 8, 2013 5:12 pm

    Did the author explained the lovey dovey situation between them? Kinda curious about that cos cang curse jing a lot during love making..haha

    AAAAh...... T - T March 9, 2013 9:25 am


    Can you please give us a more detailed summary, there is a lot that hasnt been described enough in this summary, & its really hard to understand all that happened in CHs 11-15..... T - T..... please more details, or else the novel will lose its attraction, especially to me Dx