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This story is complete crap. I couldn't get past the first chapter. No idea why people act...

tiggipi March 9, 2013 4:52 am

This story is complete crap. I couldn't get past the first chapter. No idea why people actually like it.

The seme gets a little annoyed, so he rapes the uke...Wow. I feel sorry for the people who get on his nerves. Why is he not in prison or something, since this is how he shows he's mad?

The uke gets raped in broad daylight on the school grounds, where anyone might see them, and his reaction is to get a bit huffy...right.

There's not even a tiny shred of realism in this. Perhaps I would have found it funny if not for the rape. Rape is not funny in any way, shape, or form.

    aka March 9, 2013 8:01 am

    i do agree that rape is not funny but you have to give the manga a try ok it takes a good turn in the story & a makes a good read:)

    Onigiri March 12, 2013 4:46 am

    You don't read yaoi for its realism. Just enjoy the story, lool.

    hataki April 5, 2013 7:16 pm

    most yaoi IS rape. this is why people get on my nerves. you either like it or you don't but don't insult a story you didn't finish

    Anonym April 16, 2013 2:34 pm

    honestly hataki, i really like yaoi but peolpe like you get on MY nerves, rape is awfull and people have a right to comment on a story if they dont like it because of the rape. its an oppinion, and a valid one.

    yaoi lover April 16, 2013 4:31 pm

    I like this story a lot but I know what u mean. The seme shows no remorse and the rape is without love. But the comic in here makes u forget about it.
    @rest of u:
    shame on u to say this to someone who speaks up to what they think whats wrong. There are many people still not comfortable with rape, incest, shoutacon. That is not wrong and thats their preference. Show some respect.

    yaoi lover April 16, 2013 4:50 pm

    Correction: I shouldnt say rest of u. Only two people who dont seem to understand.