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@AAAAh...... T - T You can always wait for asiaisaru for the full translation of the nove...

From what I heard March 9, 2013 10:34 am

@AAAAh...... T - T

You can always wait for asiaisaru for the full translation of the novel. The summaries posted thus far are merely to wet your appetite for the real thing. They're not meant to be read without reading the novel/manhua ^^;.

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 11:29 am

    May i know how far have you gone on Ch 20? :)

    AAAAh .... T - T March 9, 2013 1:18 pm

    @From what I heard

    asiaisaru's translations will surely take too long to be released, & i dont think i can wait for them, since i'm already heartbroken after knowing that this manga is only updated every year T_T which is seriously too long.

    Plus, it might be weird to say this, but i enjoy the summaries that you guys post more than the real translations, because the summaries get right to the point, & dont have the sometimes boring descriptions of the places or clothes .... i prefer knowing of any developments in Jing & Lu cang's relationship directly without introductions, that's why the summaries are exactly what i need in this case..... but if they skip alot of the important details, they wont serve there purpose for me T_T.....this is really the only case i which i knew how to read chinese or i had some chinese friends so i could ask for their help here Dx...... i'm just too impatient to wait months for the official translations....& probably years for the manga Dx...... T_T