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Aaaaaand here it is! Ch 20! Only the epilogue left woot woot! http://silverblossombells....

From what I heard- Ch 20 March 9, 2013 2:12 pm

Aaaaaand here it is! Ch 20! Only the epilogue left woot woot!

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 1:44 pm

    Well done! Off to ch. 20..lookin forward to the role reversion! bwahaha

    Isahora March 9, 2013 2:10 pm

    Lu Cang forgave jing's betrayal and all the bad things he did to him. It's really a happy end and no wonder Jing loves him because he always chased after Lu Cang.

    I like when Jing wants to gain his heart and aknoledges him as a lover.

    It was great thank you for your hard work

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 2:17 pm

    Haha...very touching indeed..i was looking for the Jing as uke scene actually lol

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 2:29 pm

    and good luck on the epilogue..cant wait to see the drawing..omg...somebody.. chapter 5!!!!! i'm like a broken record :D