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@Isahora Yes, happy ending..they put up quite a show in front the others...kissing deeply...

Jing Cang March 9, 2013 2:38 pm


Yes, happy ending..they put up quite a show in front the others...kissing deeply...omg hotness all over

    AAAh ..... T - T March 9, 2013 4:17 pm

    even though it's a happy ending, i'm not really happy or satisfied with it. the author should have made Jing a little more caring a sincere & sacrificing towards Lu cang in the end, so that we can trust his love for him, because up until the last chapter Jing was still sleeping with other women. plus, he made Lu cang suffer so much in the past, & for Lu cang to forget all that & still want to be by jing's side, i really find this fact hateful & disappointing Dx

    AAAAh.... i'm just not pleased with Lu Cang's stupid unreasonable attraction & loyalty to Jing when the later apparently doesnt deserve any of it.