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OH MY F*CKING GOD! In the future he asked to meet Kang Jin in a certain day, which is the ...

Trix April 9, 2017 9:25 pm

OH MY F*CKING GOD! In the future he asked to meet Kang Jin in a certain day, which is the day he died, in the present he does the same thing?!?! If you wanted to tell you liked him why not do it in the uni???(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I'm dying over here. Help is needed

    Anonymous April 9, 2017 10:56 pm

    He was trying to avoid the future, sweetcheeks. That was the day he was supposed to be killed, after all. What good does it do to speak to him on a day he wasn't killed in order to avoid him being killed on that day? Seriously, logic, people. Also, Korean culture frowns on people being in educational institutions when they're not supposed to be at school. Oops, again, I guess.