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It's a good story, but it was very, very poorly written. There was little to no depth and...

tiggipi March 9, 2013 7:44 pm

It's a good story, but it was very, very poorly written.

There was little to no depth and development for the plot or for the characters. Everything was simply thrown together. And none of the conflicts ever got resolved (such as everyone's opposition to the pairing, Tenshi not wanting to return home, etc...)

And maybe I missed it, but I don't think it was ever explained just how it was physically possible for a man to give birth. It looked like the egg popped out of his belly button. Also, apparently it took 5 years for Tenshi's mom to give birth, yet Mitsuko got pregnant and delivered in like a day or two.

The reading also felt very choppy and confusing; either the panels didn't flow well to begin with or the translations weren't all that good (or both), I'm not sure.

The only things I liked were the general plotline and the beautiful art. But other than that, it's not worth reading a second time, in my opinion.

    Yashiro March 13, 2013 1:14 am

    so true!

    QQ Mobile March 19, 2013 8:30 am

    For one thing, I think [it's obvious] that Tenshi never returned to his home. They were still living in the hostel by the end of the manga, so I assumed as much.

    Second, there were doubts about the couple but not intense enough to be called opposition. Recall that the dad wasn't in favor only because Mitsuko might not be able to conceive [and grandpa Mon was just being overprotective, imo].

    ... Well, making love with a monster (for the lack of a better term) is pretty impossible in itself, right? And as far as I remember, the egg came through the mark on Mitsuko's tummy [and his stomach didn't expand like usual pregnancies because the egg was the size of a marble]. And... grandpa Mon said that the delivery time depends on the will of the parents so...

    About the character development, however, we should expect very little regarding this aspect because, what? We only have 4-5 chapters (for the main couple). Not really a lot in my book.

    QQ Mobile March 19, 2013 2:38 pm

    Whoops. Re-read it. Apparently, the family went back to the yokai world, though it wasn't specified that they stayed for good. [I'm thinking they did because Tenshi only left because it was suffocating to live there previously.]

    ... March 19, 2013 2:46 pm

    accdg to the last chap, they stayed /o/