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So, I was reading this manga. I'm not sure whether or not its a doujinshi or not but here'...

Rianan D Halmsu April 10, 2017 12:15 pm

So, I was reading this manga. I'm not sure whether or not its a doujinshi or not but here's how it goes:
The uke, I think, is in a car and watches the seme talking to his ex-girlfriend after meeting her at a party/goukon or something. The uke is insecure about his relationship with the seme (because the seme is/was straight) and expects the relationship to not last for very long. Which is why, even when it pains for him to see his seme talk to the ex-gf, he doesn't really kick that big of a fuss (but I think he asks the seme to break up with him later). But the seme is committed to the uke and loves him very much. Which is why when the girl was kinda hinting at the seme (or maybe she wasn't, I don't really remember), the seme told her to back off because he already has someone he is committed to.

    maya April 10, 2017 12:32 pm

    not an answer sorry, i just wanna read this too.

    Beanz_The_Cat April 10, 2017 4:31 pm

    Following( ̄∇ ̄")