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@Jing Cang- It's interesting you said "its unfair to cang's girl and the baby cos cang alr...

From what I heard March 9, 2013 8:27 pm

@Jing Cang- It's interesting you said "its unfair to cang's girl and the baby cos cang already admit his feelings towards jing".

I have a book from my sexuality class titled "Passion of the Cut Sleeve" that's about homosexuality in ancient China. During one section, it's mentioned that homosexuality was considered, while not normal, it wasn't out of the ordinary either. Men having relations with other men was considered fine, but they were /not/ expected to stay with each other since ultimately it is their responsibility to continue their family line. In essence, homosexuality was considered a phase or a way to pass time. A hobby if you will. In one section of the book, it cited a story about how an elderly man /bought/ a wife for his lover because his lover was now old enough that he should have children and when the wife was asked who was the older man living with them, she replied, "It's my husband's husband." LOL.

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 10:55 pm

    Haha...well i'm speaking in judgement to lucang's character in this novel. There is such story? omg...amusing!!! ><

    From what I heard March 9, 2013 11:03 pm

    It's also funny to note that there was an order or rule to how male couples copulated. Someone older or had a higher social status was expected to top. It was even socially accepted to top another male, but it was a no-no to actually /enjoy/ being the bottom if you're a man. So Lu Cang's reaction is quite a reflection on this view though Jing being the Emperor makes it understandable that he would be the dominant one in the relationship considering that he has the highest status in the nation LOL. (But we all know what happens in the epilogue hahaha)

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 11:36 pm

    Ob is that so? Well thats the only fair reason to decide their roles in bed...any idea when you gon finish the epilogue? lu cang must be in deep shock..haha

    From what I heard March 9, 2013 11:38 pm

    Next weekend. I stayed up far too late with this chapter and ended up missing my class...

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 11:40 pm

    Its weird to me, that Lu Cang comes out as the leader of bandits...when his heart is so soft and forgiving..bandits suppose to be evil, i dont sense any kind of evilness in him, do you agree? haha "-_-"

    From what I heard March 9, 2013 11:42 pm

    I think it's more that fact that Lu Cang can beat them up lol. Seems like he has the most fighting experience and capabilities compared to his brothers.

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 11:51 pm

    OMG you missed yoru class for the translation? oh i feel bad..its rush and thank you so much..hehe that ypu mention it, probably his brothers beg him to take the position bwahaha.. his strength is useless in front of jing

    Isahora March 9, 2013 11:50 pm

    @Jing Cang : yes I agree Cang has a soft and pure heart. I think Jing likes this side of him and How na&iuml;ve he is thinking he can settle things on his own he he but Jing is really persistant and poverfull oponent ^^