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@AAAh ..... T - T: I'm gonna copy pasta what I wrote to Isahora. I plan on explaining it i...

From what I heard March 9, 2013 8:37 pm

@AAAh ..... T - T: I'm gonna copy pasta what I wrote to Isahora. I plan on explaining it in detail after the epilogue.

From what I can tell, there are 2 sons and 3 daughters. That's still not a lot of children considering this was during pre-modern times. You forget, infant fatality rate is pretty high during this time period.
I honestly don't think Jing is sleeping with the women to confirm Lu Cang's love for him.
I don't like what Jing's doing, but I can turn the other cheek considering that it's his /duty/ to maintain the royal line. If he's sleeping for jealousy sake and to make Lu Cang confess his feeling then Jing is one f*cked up lover (not that he wasn't before). However, it is FOR Lu Cang's sake that he must bear enough sons to ensure the royal bloodline will continue. If not and there is no heir, then it is almost 100% certain people will demand Lu Cang's death for obstructing the responsibilities of the Emperor. It has been proven in history that male lovers that get in the way are often put to death. I'm not trying to excuse Jing's actions, but it is somewhat understandable. As a quote from a book I like, "The matters between a king and his queen is not for mortals to understand." Living our modern lives, we can't put our values and morals on someone that does not follow and is not expected to follow the same rules we do. What they are expected to do is different from us and though we may not like it, I find it refreshing in its realistic depiction of a gay romance between an Emperor and a male lover (albeit it's a bit disheartening for my fluffy soul).
Emperor Ai (from Han Dynasty) is really an exception in his dedication to his male lovers. I believe Emperor Ai was the only one who did not visit his concubines, accepted his lovers wife and children into the paalce, and upon his death requested that his lover become the new Emperor. However, upon the Emperor's death, his lover and his entire family was sentenced to death by the officials because they considered him a nuisance and the cause of the empire's ruin.

Among the many rulers before and after him, Emperors would sleep with the females in their harem while having male lovers on the side. So I find Jing's actions not that surprising...though it does lower my respect for him. How I pity Lu Cang for being with this man.

    Jing Cang March 9, 2013 10:57 pm

    Really? ypure gonna do that? OMG please...I'm super pleasant to hear that..haha

    AAAh ..... T - T March 10, 2013 8:46 am

    i know, but still, one woman can bear more than one child, so why keep on increasing his harem ? if he only wanted a heir, he'll make each woman of his bear him several children & than he'll have enough children to survive the infant fatality rate.