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how can killing yourself can be courageous pfff! I'm like the other he was talking about! ...

Aiteal April 11, 2017 6:30 am

how can killing yourself can be courageous pfff! I'm like the other he was talking about! for me, it's cowardess!
In another note, the story getting interresting :3

    Anonymous April 11, 2017 7:06 am

    You're a dumb one.

    kokoro316 April 11, 2017 7:19 am
    You're a dumb one. @Anonymous

    I agree .... We don't know what he been throught to wanting to commit suicide

    Generation of Miracles April 11, 2017 11:53 am

    Words of a little girl, who doesn't know what life is.

    Aiteal April 11, 2017 5:24 pm

    ahahah!! no! the life is hard an you're parents give you life not to give it away so easily!!!
    and i'm not a little girl but an adult!! And it's because i say this that i didn't have a hard life!
    Pff! i won't change my mind! I know what it is to lose someone and how can someone think about himself only!
    My mom didn't give birth to me for me to put it to an end! All mother want her child to live a long long life! i would always think it's egoist!

    Aiteal April 11, 2017 5:47 pm

    what's courageous it's to continue to live when your life is shit! someone who fight his fears again and again os courageous! Someone who let go and let himself drowned isn't courageous but i wouldn't say it's cowardess with this image! Suicide is! i won't ever change my mind!
    I have a friend who had a lot of surgery since he was 9 years old but he don't think of killing himself even if he have to live in taking a lot of pills every days and he is also in a
    wheelchair without complaints and had i don't say everyting! It's what i would call courageous, brave and strong!!!

    Generation of Miracles April 11, 2017 6:52 pm

    I speak for all those people who commited suicide, which survived and which not.

    The egoist one here is you.
    You do not dare to judge other people's (you don't even know) life.
    You don't know what people go through everyday.
    You don't know how it is when you have a chronic illness, which can't be cured.
    You surely don't know how it is, when you live your whole life with depressions and anxiety.
    You don't know how it is, when you are afraid of your own thoughs.
    You don't know how it is, when you can't sleep at night, and all you CAN do is only crying without even knowing why exactely.
    You don't know how it is when your own parents don't love you, and they gave birth to you only because they had too.
    You don't know anything about being abused as a child.
    You don't know anything at all.
    So keep living in your beautiful world, and shut the f**k up.

    Generation of Miracles April 11, 2017 7:27 pm

    P.S.: Don'T even take the trouble to answer me, because I'm will mute you now.
    If I keep reading your bullshit I will throw up.
    Just one last thing. If you think those peple are weak or egoist, then go live for 2 weeks in a mental hospital. Then tell me who is what.

    Edjeme April 11, 2017 7:54 pm

    I agree. To be courageous is to try and deal with the hardships of life and even try to overcome them. Death is the easy way out, living, is what is hard and takes strenght. Yes, we don't know what he has been through in life, but just for the fact that he's trying to come out of it through death is what shows us that he is not courageous or strong. I repeat: Dying is easy, suffering (living) is not.

    Aiteal April 11, 2017 7:59 pm

    that's what i was trying to say! :)
    I'm not use to write a good english so i make mistake but you put the right words! ^^

    Aiteal April 11, 2017 8:00 pm

    and humans are egoist by nature! i don't dare say i'm not nor i'm not a coward because i know i am!

    Edjeme April 12, 2017 4:39 pm
    that's what i was trying to say! :)I'm not use to write a good english so i make mistake but you put the right words! ^^ Aiteal

    Exactly. (=・ω・=)

    Iris April 13, 2017 12:08 am

    I'd have to disagree with you.
    We can think that way all we want. Despite what others want from us, despite others wanting us to be happy. It's not about them. It's about the individual. If ones can't even muster up the energy to do something like killing oneself, it sure as hell took that person something we clearly don't have.
    They kill themselves despite the instincts and fears.
    That same energy can be placed into living despite circumstances. They are both something that takes different types of courage.
    I don't dare shame those and question why just because I don't understand.
    IF you don't understand, and choose to shame, I think it's better to step back and try to realize it's not about you.

    SilentChaos April 13, 2017 6:50 am

    Death is just as terrifying as living for a lot of people. But, people chose death in hopes for something better, or to rid themselves of pain. It's not being a coward, if you take Advil to get rid of a headache. It's not cowardice to want to stop your pain. Because frankly that is what it is in most cases. They feel pain, they go through mental anguish, many have mental illnesses and are unable to see a bright side. You don't and can't understand what everyone is going through so saying that someone's action is cowardice without knowing their situation is ignorant and ridiculous. Egotistical? Really? A lot of the time they are truly convinced that their family and friends are better off without them. It's more egotistical to say "He's a coward because he left me" than to think he was suffering. Maybe you're lucky and your parents actually wanted and loved you throughout your life, maybe you weren't and they wouldn't care if you died because you truly don't know everyone's situation. But, I would think that parents don't want to see their kids suffer.

    Edjeme April 13, 2017 11:41 am
    Death is just as terrifying as living for a lot of people. But, people chose death in hopes for something better, or to rid themselves of pain. It's not being a coward, if you take Advil to get rid of a headach... SilentChaos

    "But people, chose death [...] to stop your pain". You can't compare a headache to fucking death. Death is permanent, a headache isn't
    And they do it "in hopes" of finding "something better"? What has death got to offer? Emptiness? Unconsciousness? Death offers nothing!! There is no release!! And not only that, but in most of the cases, people don't succeed while doing it. And what do they get: A life of miserable disability. Not being able to function properly, not being able to walk. Trapped to a fucking bed! Having to have others help you for the rest of their lifes!! Suicide has no positive outcomes. I can't even believe you would dare assume such a thing. "Egotistical?? Really?!" Yes, it is egotistical. According to statistics, 6 people always end up suffering from the killing of a loved one! 6!!! I, swear, you're here trying to make yourself look like an almighty benevolent being who compreehends the weak... But you're not. It's ridiculous, pretending you care, so you can boost your own ego, and make yourself think that you're actually a good person... If you support suicide, you're not. These people need help, not their complete destruction and/or being whipped out from the face of the earth and be forgotten by the majority and being remembered in grief by the minority.

    Edjeme April 13, 2017 11:58 am
    I'd have to disagree with you.We can think that way all we want. Despite what others want from us, despite others wanting us to be happy. It's not about them. It's about the individual. If ones can't even muste... Iris

    Since you're such a benevolent person who tolerates and understands everyone, let me ask you this: How can you support suicide in any way? Why should one support the killing of another human being? Why and How?? You sit there, in your "I'm a being who understands everything" throne, but yet you don't even try to see the neagtivity, which is all over it, of suicide. A person may be living with the Devil, but how do you support, in any way, the taking of your own live? How is there courage in it? You take a pill, and it's done. Done. And that's the issue, death isn't something that allows you to "live" through it. Once you're dead, you're dead. It's like a race, once you're at the finishing line, it's done. You can't run anymore.

    Butterfly_qvrs April 13, 2017 12:54 pm
    Since you're such a benevolent person who tolerates and understands everyone, let me ask you this: How can you support suicide in any way? Why should one support the killing of another human being? Why and How?... Edjeme

    I can see you have never been pushed that hard or that far before. No matter what I say it will never change your perspective.
    Once upon a time,I was in a LOT of pain. Pain meds did nothing to ease it. It was excruciating to lift my head even an inch or to even turn my head to the side. I could not take care of myself at all. I would lie in bed sometimes until the pain built up to the point I was screaming. I wanted to die but I couldn't even do that on my own.
    Picture that for months and with no end in sight. A burden to to the people you love. A burden to society. A thing barely human nothing but a ball of suffering. You explain to me how being dead is not better than that.
    Yes, eventually it got better.
    I am functional. But it can happen again. I refuse to do that again. I have already informed my family of my decision. Do I want to kill myself now,no. But I do not have this overwhelming attachment to it either.

    Edjeme April 13, 2017 5:00 pm
    I can see you have never been pushed that hard or that far before. No matter what I say it will never change your perspective.Once upon a time,I was in a LOT of pain. Pain meds did nothing to ease it. It was ex... Butterfly_qvrs

    You see? You see?? Funny how you assume that just because I'm against suicide, that it must mean that I've never suffered or that I've never considered it. And not only death won't improve anything, because it's not like you'll be able to benefit from it any way, but it'll be even worse. Like I've replied to someone before, according to statistics, at least 6 people get affected by the killing of someone. Pain is temporary, death isn't. The only way I would justify it, is if you suffer from mental issues or if you live in a 3rd World, where if you don't kill yourself, someone else or something will. I'm not ignoring your grief and I'm glad that you were able to get through and decide to go on living, not many people would be able to do so, but how can you support the choice of someone to take its own life?

    Iris April 13, 2017 5:19 pm
    Since you're such a benevolent person who tolerates and understands everyone, let me ask you this: How can you support suicide in any way? Why should one support the killing of another human being? Why and How?... Edjeme

    I never said I support it. Who would ever want someone they care about to die? It's not so black and white. Even people who can do it legally have to do a lot to do it legally. I'm just saying the whole issue isn't really ours to shame. I remember once saying those who kill themselves are cowards and my friend said otherwise and it was so simple and it struck me in a way that made me think I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. Also, If I wanted to kill myself, the only person I'd need to tell me that that was what I want is me. Whether or not you support it. Side note: Whether or not you understand my point of view, I find it uncalled that I am being addressed in such a condescending way. I am not okay with that.

    Edjeme April 13, 2017 10:07 pm
    I never said I support it. Who would ever want someone they care about to die? It's not so black and white. Even people who can do it legally have to do a lot to do it legally. I'm just saying the whole issue i... Iris

    You do have a point. But just because one hasn't experienced it, it does not mean one cannot adress it. With this whole information out there, one can atleast form an opinion/have a stand on the subject. Just saying. And maybe you're right, I did come on too strong, I do apologize. Guess I took it personally. I apologize.

    Iris April 14, 2017 12:09 am
    You do have a point. But just because one hasn't experienced it, it does not mean one cannot adress it. With this whole information out there, one can atleast form an opinion/have a stand on the subject. Just s... Edjeme

    And I get it, it's fine to have an opinion that is different from mine. It's fine to address it even if you haven't experienced it, or the feeling mainly. Just need to understand those who have felt it, opinion might have more weight. Also, I just felt the need to give my pov when the initial post used things like "Pff" and stating those who commit suicide was cowardice. As opposed to saying, "Why would ppl feel like this?" It was a blatant one-sided response to something they may not understand at all.

    And thank you for apologizing. I didn't intend to trigger any negative feelings with my way of writing. So if I came off as too... idk I can guess based on your response to me lol. It wasn't my intention.