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guys... help me

AriellaEdna April 15, 2017 4:30 pm

I'm looking for a yaoi manga.. where the uke is reincarnate from the future back to the past... he is a fake prince and the the true prince kind of some minister in the palace... the uke in the past is being abuse (sexually) by the original prince.. and just some guy that is been use as a prince.. since like the ori prince doesn't like the uke personality because he always seem to be weak and doesn't know how to defend himself but after and attempt of suicide the uke woke up and have a different personality ( the uke from the future got hit by a vehicle and his soul is replace in the past uke body).. and after the uke (suicide one) woke up he have very different personality and always get into verbal fight with the prince.. it's very complicated to explain... the art is like from Chinese and not japan.. sorry for my unsightly spelling and grammar...
